Chapter 13

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July 15th, 1859

I sit quietly in the theater, swinging my small legs waiting for Mr. Roth to take me home. I've been helping in the theater for a week and I've been enjoying every second of it. My two best friends Martha and Elizabeth.

I jump out of the seat and run towards the voice who is shouting at someone. I jump off the stage and walk towards a door near the stage. I quietly open the door to see a Mr. Roth with my friend Elizabeth.

"I knew this would're destroying everything and I refuse to allow you to tell her what actually happened." I hear Mr. Roth say, I move further into the room, using my assassin's skill to look into the room without being seen.

I watch carefully as Roth as he paces back and forth in front of young Elizabeth, she's curled up in a ball against the wall, sobbing quietly. I've never seen Elizabeth like this or ever seen Mr. Roth this angry before and it's quite scary. I heard from my father that I need to be careful when Mr. Roth is angry as he does like to take the pain on other people as well, so ever since my father told me this...I've always listened to what Mr. Roth told me.

"P-please don't h-hurt me, sir." Elizabeth stutters as she tries to move back, even more, to get away from Mr. Roth but it was impossible as she already so close to the pale wall, the colour slowly crumbling away.

My eyes widen as I watch the scene in front of me, Mr. Roth stops in front of the small, weeping girl before he pulls out a knife and kneels down in front of her. He looks at her and smirks before he announces. "I've got to get rid of you...I can't have you telling her what really happened to her mother."

My mother? what is he on about. "You're going to die a slow and painful death." Mr. Roth says before he reaches down and grabs Elizabeth's short blonde hair and pulls her to where I was which is by the door, I quickly ran back to where I was once sitting. I pretend to be eating but I couldn't help but watch as Mr. Roth pulls Elizabeth away. I could hear her screams and cries as she gets pulled to the basement and there's nothing I can do to save her.


I wipe the tear the had rolled down my cheek as I told Jacob the story of how Roth had betrayed me. "But I did promise to get revenge on what Roth had done to her so... I'm going to help you with Roth and I want to be the one to kill him." I say as I turn back to face Jacob, I was facing the window watching over the Blighters when I was telling Jacob the story of the death of Elizabeth.'

I look up to Jacob to see he had a sad look on his face as he walks up to me and pulls me into an embrace, I lay my head onto his chest whilst his rests onto of my head, he kisses my head trying to calm me down.

"When do you need to met Roth next?" I ask as I look up to him still in the embrace. Jacob looks down at me and smiles before moving his face towards mine and pecks my lips before he answers my question.

"I'm going there early tomorrow. So we can go over to the theater tomorrow." I smile at him before I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his face down to mine, connecting our lips which got more passionate every minute. The kiss lasted for a few minutes before we both pull away and look at each other before Jacob grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs to the top floor where there is a nice looking bed, he pushes me down onto the bed before he climbs on top of me and connects our lips once again but this time it went to more, not just a passionate kiss.

I open my eyes to be only met by the sunlight. I squint my eyes as I try to get used to the light. I slowly get up to see it's morning, I look down to myself to see I'm naked, I look around looking for my robes to only see they are all over the floor with Jacob's. I stand up and start walking towards my clothes but I stopped as I feel a slight pain in between my legs, proving that I am no longer a virgin.

I slowly put on my robes before I shake Jacob awake. "Jacob...come on time to get up," I say as Jacob groans and turns away from me. I roll my eyes before shaking him hard. "Jacob...I need to go home so I can get my assassin robes so...come on get up."

Jacob turns back over, now awake he smiles at me before he leans up to kiss me before he announces. "You were amazing." I blush and looks down before I reply. "You were too...I'll meet you at the theater at midday, I have some Templar work that needs to be done." I lean down and kiss him before I walk out of the room, thank god I had locked this door so no Blighters could come in. I walk out of the door, making sure to lock it so no one could walk in on Jacob putting his clothes back on.

I smile as I walk past some Blighters as I start walking to my destination, trying my hardest to avoid some of the Rooks who were walking around the area. Once I get to the area I notice Evie sneaking around the area properly looking for someone as there are no plans or kidnapped Rooks here. I walk straight past her and walk into a small building and start the work I had to do before I go home and head over to the theater.


I'm sorry this is a bit boring but I will try and make the next one more exciting.

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