Chapter 6

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It's been quite some time since I've seen the Frye twins and Henry, I've just haven't been able to confront them. I feel extremely that I didn't tell them about me being a Templar and I know that it won't be long until they come after me. As my father's cousin and the one he loved dearly has been killed by Jacob Frye.

My father hasn't taken her death well, I feel so sorry for him. I'm the only family he has left in London and I've betrayed him, I wish I could escape it all but I can't, I've decided my fate and I have to stick to it.

I walk to my father's office but before I even reached the door, I heard a gunshot coming from it and him shouting. "I told you not to disturb me!"

I quickly walk on to only see one of the massagers' lying dead with a bullet hole in his head, I look down at him as I listen to my father sing. Pearl's death definitely had an effect on him making me feel ten times worse. I look over to my father and see him playing his piano, I have to speak to him and see how feels.

I close the two large wooden doors and stood in the corner avoiding the corpse and waiting for my father to finish singing, I watch him and I notice tears almost fill his eyes as he slowly finishes.


My father didn't both looking at me as he says with such a low, sad tone. "Her luster stripped by the hands of that savage. He must be brought to justice."

I quickly walk up to him and replied "Pearl would not want justice. Pearl would want vengeance" which she would have but I really didn't want Jacob or Evie in harms way but I had to pretend I wanted them dead.

"Your passion is most welcome, my child, but we cannot let emotion disrupt the lawful structures of society. If we do that, the enemy wins." my father replies, I'm not going to lie my father always had a way with words.

I turn towards the door to see Miss Thorne walking in obviously she heard our conversation as she said "It shall happen by the shadows. Miss Frye will hang from the gallows, and I will flay her brother as he comes to save her."

My father turns away from me and looks over to Miss Thorne and replies. "I suppose it has to be done. Take no chances, increase the Templar presence in London. We alone protect this city of light."

"Yes, Crawford. And then we shall enter the vault and cast aside the shadows together."


Lucy Thorne is now dead, devastating news. NOT. I'm glad Miss Thorne is gone, she never liked me and the feelings was mutual as she was always jealous as I'm the next to become GrandMaster and if I wasn't here she would be it but. Yes there is a but. But the key, Miss Thorne carried is now gone, I don't know why it is so important but this has affected my father even more.

I walk the streets of London looking for either Jacob or Evie Frye but it seems like neither of them around until I notice Jacob Frye hiding behind a newspaper, I laugh slightly under my mask as I walk over to him.

I watch as the young boy holds his hand out for a shilling from Jacob but Jacob just gave him the newspaper back but before he could walk off I shout over to him catching his attention.

"Hello love, haven't seen you in a while," He says with a smirk, I roll my eyes as I reply. "I've been busy," and with that, Jacob walked off, I turn to the young boy and handed him a shilling with a smile before following after Jacob.

"So what are we doing?" I ask once I caught up to him. "We are looking for Mr. Dredge" He replies as we walk past some officers. I close my eyes so I could activate my eagle vision and I spotted him near some barrels.

"He's over there," I say as I nod into the direction where Mr. Dredge is. He nods and walks ahead, I notice as he walks away a small group of rooks follows behind, I watch carefully as Jacob told to group to attack someone alerting all the officers, giving him a good chance of kidnapping Mr. Dredge.

Everyone here was running away from the scene as Jacob and I walk with Mr. Dredge. It took a bit of time getting out as by the entrance there was a massive group of people so we had to barge our way through.

Once we escaped the area with Mr. Dredge we walk into an alleyway as the man started saying "Jacob, it's me! Sergeant Frederick Abberline!"

Jacob released the man and reply. "Frederick"

"Sergeant. Undercover. There's to be a robbery at the Bank of England, I'm sure of it" I look at this strange man as I ask. "Robbery? It's a fortress" The Sergeant looks at me and replies "The boys at the station thought I was joking. Wouldn't be so funny if it was their life savings."

"Who's behind it?" I ask but first I didn't find out who it is. "That's confidential"

"Oh, come on, Freddy. We can help you, imagine the headlines: 'Thieves Caught in the Act! Abberline Right All Along'"

"Well, I suppose I can feel you both in a little. Every fiscal quarter, a branch of the bank is robbed, never the same branch. The Thieves are supplied by Cockham Merchants"

Once the Sergeant said the name I walk off, walking away from the alleyway. I could hear Jacob's footsteps getting closer before grabbing my arm and turning me to face him, he was going to say something but I cut him off. "I'll leave this to you but meet me on Big Ben this evening"

"Umm...ok" Jacob replies as he let's go of my arm and as I was about to walk off I hear Jacob ask. "When are you going to tell me who you are and show me what you look like?"

I smile from under my mask and turn back to face him before replying "This evening but I know what is going to happen after" and I run off before Jacob could say anything. I guess this is the last day I'm going to be alive.


I stand on top of Big Ben waiting for Jacob to arrive, it was around six in the evening and the sun slowing moving away and I watched with a smile as it did.

"Hello love"

I turn to the voice to see it is Jacob,"So why are we here? in all places."

"This is properly going to be my last minutes alive, I'll properly be dead in minutes time" I look back to Jacob to see a confused and worried look on his face.

"Before I tell you my name or show you my identity, I'll tell you about myself. My mother was born an Assassin but dead when I was young properly around three maybe four years old, I don't know. I've been being trained by my Grandparents who are still alive and still training me. My father, on the other hand, isn't an Assassin...He's a Templar" I take a quick glance to Jacob to see a shocked look but I didn't look for long as I looked back to the city before I carried on.

"My father, in fact, is a Templar of London and I'm living with him so...before you ask yes I'm a Templar and an Assassin. And we have battled before we both fought against each other in a gang war once and I won." I take a deep breath as I remove my hood revealing my neatly done brown locks and slowly remove my mask but I didn't look up or look over to Jacob.

"Who is your father?" I hear Jacob ask, I look up slightly before turning to face him, the shock over come his face even more as he mouth is open slightly as he looks over my features.

"Crawford Starrick is my father"

"So... you are-"

"Rosanna, Rosanna Starricks"

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