Chapter 11

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It's been two days since Jacob and I saved the prime minister and his wife, I haven't seen Jacob in those two days as I've been busy with Templar work, by Templar work I mean working with the Blighters, help keep the children working which I absolutely hate but it's something I have to do so I can stay loyal to the Templars and to my father.

Thankfully my best friend was there to help me as if she wasn't I'd properly had killed the Blighters and got the children out to safety. Even though I haven't seen Jacob at all for the last two days, I have seen a lot of Evie as she's been helping Fredrick Abberline by kidnapping different Blighters from different locations for these two days and in some cases, I've been there watching over them and today is another day I've seen Evie.

It's the day where Jacob and I had to kill Lord Cardigan, I don't like Cardigan at all, all he talks about the battle of Balaclava which in my opinion isn't interesting at all, I remember when I was little Cardigan always told me about the battle which definitely bored me then and still does.

"where are the plans?"

I turn around to see Evie Frye standing behind me, watching me carefully. I look out of the window to see a few Blighter's roaming around the area.

"Follow me" I reply, before jumping out of the window and start to climb to the roof, I look down to see Evie following careful, making sure to keep a distance. Once I climb onto the roof I notice I had a sniper aimed at me. I gestured Evie to stop.

"Miss Starrick, you gave me a fright" The woman on the roof, who had the sniper says as she lowers the sniper. I smile and walk towards her. "You are dismissed," I say to the woman, the woman was about to refused but I cut her off. "You've done enough today, I will keep watch and tell the other snipers to go home"

I walk towards to edge of the roof and pretended to be keeping guard but obviously I'm watching the snipers get off the roof, once they have, I go back to Evie and gestured her to 'come on'. We both jump across the roofs so we don't get caught well... so Evie don't get caught as I do this all the time when I'm helping the Blighters so this isn't unusual for me to do.

We finally get to the building where the Blighter plans are being held but the only way in is through the doors and there is a Blighter just below so I look over to Evie who is looking around making sure there are no more Blighters around to catching her. I smirk and thought. 'Time to show her how loyal I am to the brotherhood' I jump off the edge and landed onto of the Blighter before stabbing him in the neck with my hidden blade. I decide to leave the Blighter there and carried on walking towards the building, I look up to see Evie looking at me with shock, I chuckle before nodding my head towards the door before I walked in to take out any Blighters in the building but there wasn't, thankfully.

"They are here," I say and point towards a desk which had around six scrolls laying on it and a candle near the edge of the desk, I move away from the desk to allow Evie to do whatever she pleased with the plans, she looks at me before she walks towards to desk. I watch as Evie pushes five of the scrolls off of the desk before picking the scroll she left on the desk, she holds it above the candle before throwing it onto the other five scrolls, setting them on fire.

"Thank you for your help," Evie says and walks away, properly to kill the rest of the Blighters. "If you don;t mind me asking if you're a part of the brotherhood... why are you still a part of the Templars?"Evie asks, now standing near the stairs whilst I stand near the burning plans.

"The only reason, I'm a part of the Templars is because of my father" I reply as I look back over to Evie to see a confused look on her face. "my father took me in...even though he never wanted a child so... I become a Templar so I can please him and it's basically a thank you for him taking me in. That's literally the only reason"

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