Chapter 17

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A maid tightens my corset, I really hate these things but I've got used to it. I'm not looking forward to this evening, this is the last time I'll ever see my father, even though my father have done bad things but I still love him and he's all I got left as I have no more family.

When I got back to the place I found a letter saying that my grandparents were murdered by some Blighters which really hurt, I cried for ages and I didn't cry at the fact that they were murdered it's also the fact that they were already buried and I wasn't there, I didn't even know and that hurt the most, I couldn't say my goodbye.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the maid telling me it's time to get my dress on, I quickly wipe the tear that fell down my cheek, I stand up moving a small strand of hair which had fallen out of my tied up hair behind my ear.

The maid finally puts my dress, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in," The watch as the door open and the person revealed my father, he's never seen my in a dress and by the look on his face he didn't expect me to look like this.

The event has been going on for a while now and my father was now dancing with Evie, that surprised me. I chuckle a bit before heading to the front of Buckingham Palace. I lean against the wall until I suddenly pulled around the corner and pinned to the wall,I look up to see Jacob smirking down at me as he looks me up and down before saying.

"You look beautiful." 

I blush and smiled before replying "Why thank you, Mr. Frye, but I would like to take it off now, have you got my robes and weapons?" I hear him chuckle before he hands me a bag full of my weapons. I smile before telling him to keep watch and to do not look. I walk down the corner a bit before I dug into the bag and pull out my robes and start to change.

I finish buttoning up my ropes, I quickly put all my weapons on including my hidden blades before walking back to Jacob, I nudge his shoulder for him to come on. We both use our gauntlets to get to where the Jacob is going to give Evie the signal once he did we both quickly get down a race towards but not without grabbing the bag full of her weapons and robe.

We both reach her she quickly hands Jacob the locations and Jacob replies. "Just like that? No plan?"

"No time for plans. I'll catch up as soon as I'm rid of this infernal contraption." I nod my head and I follow Jacob into the water, we quickly swim across, once we reached the other side an explosion erupted properly causing a lot of attention.

I follow Jacob as he jumps down the hole which properly what was made with the explosion, we slide our way down until we met the flat surface from properly another entrance to the vault and that took us to the vault and my father is there wearing the shroud, a gold blanket like thing, wrapped around him.

Jacob and run to him and tried to punch him but he caught us both by our throats, he looked at me and smirked, then that's when I released he was properly the one who got the Blighters to murder my Grandparents.

"What -- what are you doing?" Jacob asks and my father replies. "Exploiting. I warned you, my boy. But you do not listen" I hear Jacob groan, I gasp for breath which made my father look over to me and say. 

"And you, my child, I knew you were an Assassin and for that, I murdered your mother and Grandparents, I never wanted you...I still don't." Once he says that I was suddenly thrown into the wall, my head smacks against the wall, I groan as I felt my head to see a hell of a lot of blood dripping down and that made me fall unconscious.

I slowly open my eyes and groan, I look around to see Evie and Jacob killing my father, I look around to see Henry on the floor, I think of what he said, that he never wanted me and still doesn't really hurt me, I brought my hands to my eyes, covering them up and started to cry.

I feel some sit me up, I remove my hands to see Jacob looking down at me, I quickly wipe my tears away and grab Jacob at the back of his and dragged him down to me, connecting our lips, my hands on his cheeks whilst his on the back of my head and on my waist.

We pull away from the kiss and I started to cry once again, Jacob pulls me to his chest as I mourn the death of my father, my mother,and grandparents and also at the words that were said to me this night.

The sun rises as we all got out of the vault, a carriage drives by us and the driver is no other than Freddy, I watch as Freddy walks towards the carriage door and opens it and the Queen stands in the carriage. "Mr. Abberline, please." The Queen says and holds her hand out for assistance out of the carriage.

"Your Majesty."

"Miss Frye."

"You've met before?" Jacob asks with a smile, obviously in complete shock at the fact that they've met, I couldn't believe it either. "Didn't I mention?" Evie replies and we all look back to the Queen. 

"Mr. Abberline informs me that you four are responsible for saving my life. Is this true?" The Queen asks and Henry answers, "It is, your Majesty"

"Evie Frye, step forward," she says to Evie then turns to Jacob "And you."

"My brother, ma'am. Jacob Frye. And this is Mr. Henry Green and Miss. Rosanna Starrick," Evie introduces us, Henry and I move forward to stand next to the twins. "Mr. Frye, Mr. Green, Miss Starrick. Kneel."

We all look at each other before we all kneel like the Queen instructed before she goes down the line putting the sword on both shoulders of everyone, we all look at each other. "Arise. I invest you all in the Order of the Sacred Garter."

"Thank you, your Majesty" Evie thanks before The Queen says. "If you are as adept as Mr. Abberline implies, I may call on."

"Sargeant Abberline tends to exaggerate your Majesty," Jacob says which made Mr. Abberline smile, I smile to Jacob as The Queens says her final small speech, more to Evie. "And Miss Frye. Should you want it. I saved you some cake."

We watch as the Queen gets back in the carriage with the help of Freddy, Freddy walks towards the driver's seat before climbing on Jacob moves forwards and waves, Freddy waves back before driven away.

I watch as Evie walk up to Jacob and out her hand on his shoulder and says. "Father would be proud of you."

Jacob smiles before he says. "Dame Evie Frye."

"Sir Jacob Frye."

The two laughed before Jacob says "Race you to the train."

"You're on."

I watch with a smile as the two run off and towards the train, once they disappeared I turned to Henry and said: "I'll see you later Mr. Green." I start walking the opposite way but I was stopped by Henry.

"Miss. Starrick...if you don't mind me asking, where are you going?" 

I smile and turn back to Henry and replied. "I'm going to visit my mother." I walk away and headed to my mother's grave.

I travelled all the way to Whitechapel and that's where my mother is buried, once I found the grave, I tear up, feeling incredibly guilty of the fact that I've never visited, for hours, I sat by the grave and spoke to her until I feel a hand come onto my shoulder, I knew who is was. It was Jacob.

I smile up at him and hug him. "Come on, I want to take you to the top of Big Ben." I look up at him with confusion but I still followed him to Big Ben. It didn't take long to reach Big Ben, I smile over to Jacob before I launch myself up to the top.

I wait for a minute and I see Jacob come up, "Why did you want to come up here?" I ask looking over to Jacob, Jacob smiles, and starts. "It's the place where I properly met you, so I thought I'd ask you the question here, Rosanna will you do me the honor of becoming Rosanna Frye?"

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