Chapter 14

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I sit in the carriage waiting for Jacob to return with Roth, I'm sitting in my Assassin uniform, I double check to make sure my mask is on, I can't let Roth see that I'm an Assassin and the next in line to become Grand Master of the Templars.

I turn to look at the back entrance of the theater, once I hear Roth, he runs towards the carriage but stops once he sees me sitting there, I jump out of the carriage and stood in front of Roth, Jacob jogs up to us and says to Roth.

"She's here to help, she wants to destroy Starrick as well,"

Roth nods and holds out his hand and introduces himself, I shake his hand and said. "I'm Ros-uh- Rosetta, Rosetta Turner." Roth looks at me with his creepy look he gives people when he trying to figure you out who you are but with my mask on he can't. Thank God.

I decide to allow Jacob and Roth to sit at the front whilst I sat in the actual carriage, there is a reason why I choose the name Rosetta Turner, she's my Grand Mother, my mother's mom. She lives near Cambridge with my Grandfather who is a Master Assassin. They've both been training me since I was a little girl... well since my mother passed away. I haven't seen my Grandparents in quite a while, I will have to visit them soon perhaps once the Frye twins get rid of my father, then I might as I will be grieving.

Even though Crawford is a Templar, Grand Master. Destroying London. It doesn't mean I won't miss him, he's my father, after all, I'm his only child. I love my father dearly and his death is going to be difficult as ever since I was young my father has been training me up and that made as boned...and know he is going to die. Half of me want to stop the twins but the other half knows that my father saying alive maybe a danger to London.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Jacob opening the carriage door and helping me out, I look up at him and nod my head in thanks before I follow Roth up to the rooftops, Jacob following close behind.

Once we get to the roof, I look over to see my father's workshop, I remember working with the Blighters in this workshop, I hated it there ordering the children the same age as me at the time and younger, I hated seeing the children suffer there and I couldn't do anything, I was the one making them suffer.

I feel some nudge my shoulder, I turn to see Jacob looking at me before he starts to explain what we're doing. "We need to set the dynamite, we're going to blow up the workshop."

I nod and agree, I knew something was going to happen, something bad but I obviously can't be certain. I use my gauntlet to help me get across the other building next to the workshop whilst Jacob climbed down the building to knock out some of the Templars.

I slowly move behind the woman with the sniper before knocking her out, she falls back into my arms as I slowly lie her down before I jump off the building, doing the leap of faith into a pile of hay. I peek out of the hay to see a Templar walk away, Jacob's on the other side of the workshop taking out the Templars on that side.

Once I take out all the Templars on my side, I pick up one of the boxes of dynamite and place the box in front of the window in the front of the workshop before placing the other one at the back of the workshop before running back to Roth, I look behind me to see Jacob following. I use my gauntlet to make the way up a little faster, Jacob doing to same.

"All rigged up," Jacob says with a smile, he's obviously very excited to be able to finally destroy something of my father's. "Perfect, let's put our plan into action..." Roth said before he moves to the side of the roof and instructed someone at the bottom to move back.

As Roth was about to set it off but Jacob stopped him, once we both released that children are going into the building. "Whatever for?" Roth asks with a laugh, I knew something bad was about to happen.

"There are children in there!" I snap, I know Roth is sick in the head but I never thought he would kill innocent children. "Jacob, Rosetta, my dears. Starrick uses child labor to manufacture goods. We must put all end to his production line"

"Not like this," Jacob and I said, which made Roth angry as he snaps, "Why not? I can do whatever I damn well, please!...Soon you both will understand what it is like to be free, as I am. Light em up boys."

Jacob quickly gets into action, he jumps off the edge of the roof and takes out the Blighter. "What the hell are you doing?!" Roth shouts to Jacob as I jump off the edge, landing next to him.

"We're not playing games anymore Roth," Jacob shouts before he grabs my wrist and we both take off running towards the workshop, as we reach the workshop and about to go in we were both flung back by the dynamite being set off, making a big explosion.

We both get up and looked for a way to get in, I nudge Jacob and point towards the broken window, which shattered during the explosion. We both sprint towards the window and jumped through, it was easy for my to walk around as my mask is stopping the smoke to enter my body but for Jacob it is.

I run towards the front door, kicking it open whilst Jacob picked up one of the two children who had been fallen to the floor, I shout to the children who were standing to get out as I run back in to pick up the last child up before running out, I could see Jacob fighting the Blighter who properly was the one who set off the dynamite.

I quickly placed the child down before I pull out my gun and fired a bullet into one of the Blighters head just as Jacob killed the other two. Jacob runs over to my once he receives parts of his cane-sword.
he wraps his arm around my shoulder as we watch the building fill up with flames, we turned around when we hear footsteps behind us.

The man who works to Roth walks up to us, a black box in his arms. "A gift, sir, from Mr. Roth," The man says handing the box to Jacob, I look down at the box to see a note on top, Jacob picks up the note but before he could read it the man interrupts and says.

"You should be warned, Mister Frye, that when Roth is angry with one, he generally brings suffering to many," With that the man walks off and Jacob and I turn back to the note, opening it up and starts reading it out loud.

"My dearest Jacob. Alas, it seems our adventures together had come to a close. Although our time together was brief. It's left a lasting mark. I wish you well in all your fortune endeavors . Cordially, Maxwell. Post scriptum. I'm putting on a show this evening. All of London will be there. Enclosed, please find your invitation."

After he reads the note to me, he opens the box revealing a dead black bird, it's neck broke. I gasp, first, he tries to kill children, killing an animal and now he's properly going to try and kill half of London.

"I knew he was sick but my god...I really think he needs to be put down or put in the bloody asylum," I say as I wrap my arms around his waist once he put the box down. He wraps his arms around my shoulders as I think about everything that is happening.

Hey, guys, I'm just wondering as the game is soon to end would you like me to write the Jack the ripper DLC and perhaps some chapters to do with their life before the ripper, comment below of what you'll like. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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