Chapter 26

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I couldn't believe this man is working for this Ripper, properly not under choice. "Come, we need to inform Abberline," I say as I look down at the dead Chief Warder in complete disgust. I feel a hand go to my shoulder giving it a squeeze, a comfort from Evie.

I turn to smile at her which I had one in return before we both head off to call Fredrick. We try and stay hidden by using the rooftops. Once we got to the phone which was made by Alexander Bell, our old friend.

"I need to speak to Fredrick Abberline. This is an emergency." Evie says through the phone. "Well, where is he?" Evie asks as she gets old that he isn't there. "The Ripper struck again?"

Evie looks at me in shock, I gasp in complete shock. My hands on my head, trying to calm myself down. I turn back as Evie is telling the police to come here. I look down in front of her to see a set of key, 'Must be the keys to the prison' I thought to myself before I grab the key and I whisper to Evie that 'I'll be back soon,'

Once I get to the cell, I throw the keys in, startling the lady, who looks like a prostitute and the two men. I smile at them before heading back to Evie who is already on the boat ready for us to go back to London, where the Ripper had struck again. 

After traveling quite some time we finally arrived at the place where Fredrick should be, Evie and I walk into the house before stopping at the door once we saw the victim, blood everywhere on the bed and cover the white sheet which is covering the identity of the body.

Evie walks forward before moving the sheet back and looked at the women, I refuse to move, I couldn't go anywhere near the victim. "You damn monster!" I hear Evie shout, startling me a bit. We need to find the Ripper before anyone else does, we can't allow any more women die from the hands of the Ripper!

Suddenly an officer barged past me and run towards Evie, I could tell Evie was about to kill him but stop once Fredrick came into the scene. "Evie! Get a hold of yourself!! Go. go... Out."

"Who is she? Tell us quickly," Evie asked but Fredrick refused to tell us. "Tell you? By what?! I am an officer of the law. I'm not a member of your secret organization." Fredrick quickly grabs Mine and Evie's collar and tried to get us out of the building but I smacked his hand off before placing it on is shoulder keeping him in place as I told him.

"Listen... Jacob knows," Before I could finish what I was saying Abberline stops me and tells us he can't cover us anymore due to the evidence pointing to us, we need to find the Ripper and quickly.

After searching the place, looking at the body to see her identity is completely gone, I'm surprised they know who it is, her organs are gone, must be someone good with his tools. The kettle which is still warm showing that it was recently heated. The blood by the door, a lot of blood and by the looks of it, the killing started when the door had been half open.

"Rosanna, activate your eagle vision and look at the wall behind the bed," Evie order and I do as I say, once I could see people through the wall who are in different colours, I look at the wall to see Jack had left a message for us.

My gift to you, Miss Frye and Mrs. Frye, and more to come unless you do as Jack says: Follow the trail of blood through the looking glass.

"He wants us to return to the scene of his first victim," I say to Evie just as Fredrick walked in asking what we had discovered so we told him about the message. "A message for us. He is going to lead us to him, inspector." I say before Evie finishes what I was saying.

"We must return to the locations of the Ripper's first crimes..."

"Don't let your fury blind you, either of you. I would not want to lose you both as well..."

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