Chapter 3

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*Jacob's POV*

"Let us return to locating the Piece of Eden," My sister says as she walks away from me, holding on to a card, giving from Ned Wynert who is a businessman from the United States.

"We need to reclaim London from Starrick, who are my targets?" I ask as I walk closers to Evie but let's just replied "It's not time for that yet" and this comment started to get me angry, I never came to London to look for the Piece of Eden and I do tell Evie that.

"I didn't come to London to hunt curios"

"First understand the dance, only then become the dance" Now I know what's going on and she had had wanted to this since our father passed.

"Oh? So you're taking over where father left off? I ask with a serious tone which hardly ever a curse.

"Someone has to" is her reply but before I could answer Greenie stopped us by helping us with both of our requests.

"Evie, finding the Precursor artifact will give us an insight into what the Templars intend. Jacob, I have information about Starrick's associates that should be a use to you, here"

I turn to look at the board Greenie just spoke about, it is what I need. Everything that could help, Greenie had Starrick's main Templars next to Starrick's picture and Lucy Thorne was the lower one whilst his daughter, Rosanna is right next to the portrait.

"And I know someone who can help both of you" Greenie says which made me and Evie turn to him. Who could possible help assassin's get rid of Templars and gang members? A Templar would be the best option and to be pacific, Rosanna. She would be the best for this.

"There is another Assassin in London" This shocked both me and Evie, he never told us there was another Assassin. "Nothing is known about her, except her gender. No one knows her name or what she looks like but I have worked with her and she would be the best"

I look over to Greenie before asking "Where can we find her?"

*Rosanna's POV*

I stand on a roof, looking over Southwark now instead wearing my Templar uniform, I'm wearing my Assassin uniform. I watch as Blighters and Rooks traveled around, sometimes attacking and killing each other. I don't know why I am here.

"Hello love"

I turn to see who shouted towards me, I turn to see the Frye twins standing on the other side of the roofs. I watch them carefully as Miss Frye walks up to me, I know they wouldn't attack me as I am a part of the brotherhood.

"What do you want?" I ask with a strong tone, watching Miss Frye carefully as she slowly approaches me.

"My name is Evie Frye," Evie says holding out her hand so we could shake hands, I look down to her hand before shaking her hand "And this is my brother Jacob Frye"

I look over to Jacob and nod his way which caused him to smirk and cross his arms, I turn back to look at Evie who rolled her eyes at her brother before turning back to me and ask "Can you tell us what your name is?"

I look over to her and raise my eyebrow as I reply with a simple "No". I notice my answer caused Jacob to frown but I didn't ask about it but I simply asked: "What do you want?"

"Well Love" I hear Jacob said as he now starts approaching to where Evie and I stood which is near the edge of the roof. "We need your help to get rid of the Templars"

I think about it for a minute before looking back up to the twins and announce. "Alright, I'll help. Where to first or who am I helping first"


Hey guys, I just wanted to announce that I've decided to write a fanfiction for each male Assassin so Connor and Arno is done (The Templar-Connor, The Assassin-Arno) Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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