Chapter 8

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It's been a few days since mine and Jacob's confession, I wish I could see him more but my father has been making me go to help out with the Blighters and the gang leaders. Today is a gang war and the gang leader Victor wanted me to take part as he knows I can win this for him but I refused as I am only here to watch and see how strong the Assassin's are. Even though I already know.

But I did say I will jump in when I think I'm needed, I knew which Assassin is fighting and it's thankfully Jacob as I'm not sure if Jacob had told Evie about me being the secret Assassin in London.

I stood on a roof of a house as Jacob arrived with a group of Rooks behind him, Victor stood onto of one of the carriages and throws down one of his electronic bombs before jumping down but stayed behind the Blighters.

"Rooks, It's time to fight" Jacob shouts as he looks to me and winks causing me to roll my eyes with a smile as I watch him run up to one of the Blighters and slicing his with a kukri. It didn't last long until all the Blighters were dead and Victor jumped down.

As I watching Victor and Jacob fight I start to get worried for Jacob, even though I knew he will win but Victor is very talented at brawling but so is Jacob. It took around ten minutes for Jacob to kill Victor and celebrate his victory. I noticed after watching Jacob, Evie had arrived so I knew it was my time to leave but I stayed and watched.

"Ladies and gentleman. We are Jacob and Evie Frye" Jacob shouts off onto of a carriage, the one Victor stood on before his death. "And, as of this moment, you all work, for us!"

Both Rooks and the remain Blighters cheered in agreement, I stood watching with my arms crossed watching the Frye twins, Evie looks up to the roof I stood on and spots me straight away, I could see the frown Evie's face as she pulls Jacob to look at her and points over to me, I guess Jacob haven't told her. I knew if I stayed here I would be killed so I decide to go back to my father's place.

Jacob's POV

"Rosanna is up there," Evie says and points up to the girl I love dearly, I frown in disappointment as I watch Rosanna run off and jump off the roof, I'll go and see her later. Evie was about to run after her but I stop her.

"What are you doing!?" Evie hissed at me, with such anger, I knew I forgot something, I better tell her now. "Evie, Rosanna is not who she seems...Rosanna isn't just a Templar she is the Secret Assasin of London"

I watch as Evie face change from anger to shock, her mouth open as she stares at me, "Wait...She's an Assassin, how?" Evie asks, I surprised she believed me.

"She doesn't like the way the Templars are working so she's been training with her grandparents as an Assassin, the only reason she is a Templar is because her father took her in...Even though he didn't want her...She can change everything once Crawford is gone, she'll be the Grand Master, she can help us change all of this. Evie"

I knew all this I said is true, I knew her backstory thanks to Greenie and Rosanna and I knew she wants to change London. I watch as Evie thought for a while before she says "Ok, she won't be helping me on missions but she will help you and if she tells Crawford anything about the Piece of Eden I will have to kill her"

And with that Evie jumps off the carriage and ran off somewhere, I stayed on the carriage before looking up the sky to see the sun slowly disappearing so it's the best time to go and visit Rosanna.

Rosanna's POV

I change into my nightgown which is just plain cream, reaches my knees and is quite wrinkly but I had no properly with it, it's just how it is. I slowly sit on the bed and lied down and pulled the silk covers over my body. As I slowly dropped to sleep, knocking come from my window, I quickly sit up to see a hand knocking on the window. I slowly sit up, keeping my eye on the window, grabbing my golden kukri which I had received as a gift from my father for my eighth birthday.

I slowly move towards the window and I quickly open the large window and grabbed the unknown hand and dragged to figure in through the window, pulling the figure to the floor and held the kukri up the person's next. I look at the figure to see the familiar face of my lover.


"You idiot, you scared me half to death," I hiss once I got to my feet and helped him up but this only caused him to chuckle before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest, his one hand leaves my waist and grabs my chin and lifts it up so I'm facing him.

I smile up at him before moving onto my tip toes and pecking his lips and pulled him onto my bed before I move onto his lap and start to kiss him once again but this time, it got more passionate. I slowly remove his robes leaving him shirtless and now I move off so now I'm lying on the bed, head on his chest as I pull the covers over us.

"What if someone comes in?" Jacob asks, I look up at him and smile before I reply. "The door is locked so no one can come in and if I didn't lock it no one would disturb me as I would kill them if they did"

I lay my head back onto his chest, closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep and let's just say it's the best sleep I've had in years.


Hey guys, hope you enjoy the chapter and I just want to announce that on Wattpad and Quotev I am publishing a book with all my art such as my random drawing and drawing of all my OC's.

The Secret Assassin-Jacob Frye X OC (Assassin's Creed Syndicate)Where stories live. Discover now