Chapter 25

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After traveling for quite some time we finally arrive where we wanted to be... well where Evie wanted to be. The boat stop and I could hear the captain telling us we're here. I lean against the railing and look at the place. 

'Where are we?' I ask myself as I look over at the old ship which I could see from where I am, this place is very creepy especially when there is no sun can be seen since the dark clouds covering it.

"These old Navy ships were hulked out to hold prisoners until they were assigned a convict ship leaving for the colonies," Evie told me as we both walk up the hill, heading towards the ship.

Once we get close enough to the water I notice that the only way across without getting wet is to jump across the destroyed pieces from the ship. I look over to Evie to see she's looking over at me, she nods towards the water basically telling me to go first.

I shake my head no and said. "No way... you dragged me out here so you can go first," I smile at her as she rolls her eyes before she jumps over to the box before jumping over to a floating board. I chuckle a bit as she glares at me for making her go first.

I copy what she does, I jump over to different boxes and boards to get to the ship. Around the ship is a wooden dock so we can get to the ship and Jack's men are walking the place and I didn't notice one of those men sneaking behind me, until a throwing knife whizzed past my head, startling me.

I look behind me to see the guy is on the floor dead. I turn to look at Evie who is smirking at me, I roll my eyes playfully before we both use our gauntlets to get us to the top of the ship. Once we got to the top we were surrounded by the men on the ship.

I groan a bit before jumping off the side and slashing with one of the guys throats with my blade before I turn and kick another guy in stomach causing him to lean over in pain so this gave me the opportunity to kick him in the face before I spin him around so he's no longer facing me and I quickly snapped his neck then pulled out my gun and fired at the final incoming man.

We start walking away from the corpses and headed downstairs inside the ship. "Rosanna, I'm not sure but Jacob might be in here," Evie said which caused me to gasp and I quickly head towards the prisoners who are locked in cells.

"Help me... Miss... Please, why am I here? No one will tell me!" One of the men in the cell said before the other one replies saying it's Jack and he abducted them.

"He starves and tortures us until we write our families begging them to do as he dictates or we'll be slaughtered!"

"Is he here? Have you seen the Ripper recently?" I ask, in a sad tone once I released Jacob isn't here which made me worry more.

"Not for weeks, but he'll come back... and bring more poor sods to dance on the Warder's cord for him!" One of the men replies, sounding so weak and scared. Scared for their lives and for their families.

Evie grabs my arm and drags me from the prisoners, she dragged me all the way to the top deck before she orders me to follow, I do as she said and follow her across the line connecting each ship.

And once we got across, once again we had to kill a load of Jack's followers before we reach the other prisoners. "I beg you, don't leave us to perish... The Chief Warder is a vile, sadistic man... No one spoke to me for weeks, then the Warder's assistant came to ask how much I weigh..." The man in the cage announces to us.

"Evie... we need to get into the main prison,"

Evie looks over to me and nod, agreeing with me before we both run off to try and find the main prison. Once we get to the main place, Evie decided to go all the way to the top of a church to take a good look at the place, looking at each part, the working prisoners, head guard, prisoners.

Evie and I decide to stay in cover, to avoid attention as we've already gained enough of that at the moment but if we need to fight we'll kill them with our bare hands but at the moment the best thing to do is kill them whilst in hiding which we did.

On our way to kill the chief, I made sure to destroy each bell so no alarm can be rung. I decided to go steal the key from the head guard whilst Evie made sure no one snuck up on me, I carefully, quietly creep behind the large man before I start to pickpocket him and stopped once I found the key.

Before anyone else notices me I run off back to Evie and handed her the key. Evie nods and thanks before she starts climbing up the side of the building where Chief Warder is. We stop climbing until we get to a small platform which connects to a door, the door the key fits in.

Evie opens the door and allows me to go in first, I quietly walk in and snuck up on a guy who is actually walking away from us, I grab the top of his head and stabbed him in the neck due to it being the quietest way to die. If I get it in the right place and I thankfully did.

I quickly run past Evie who is standing by a pulley and sprint towards a guy on the other side, releasing my hidden blade before lifting my arm and thrusting the blade into the delicate temple.

As I'm about to head back to Evie, she comes to me and pulls me down telling me to hide due to the assistant coming up to check on the pulley Evie had pulled. He walks away and Evie took the opportunity to pull the pulley and the pulley actually brought the Chief up to us. He hangs upside down as Evie gets his neck with her own blade.

I quickly grab the guy and chucked him to the floor whilst Evie kneels over him. "Look at you! Goody two-shoes! is it? You think offling some ol' hangman is going to change what we do here?" Chief Warder asks as he spits at Evie which caused to groan in disgust!

"We?" Evie asks as she wipes away the spit from the chest.

"What do you think? This was your brother's" Chief Warder says to Evie before turning to me as he says the relation between Jacob and I. "Husbands vision... his inspiration!"

"I don't believe you," Evie says as she watches the man, I'm with her for this, I don't believe him either, it's NOT true! It can't be.

"He taught Mr. Jack how to rip the filth from this rotten city, but you don't have the balls to see what's right and necessary."

"Where's Jack? Where is the goddamn Ripper?" I snapped at him as Evie kept a good grip on Warder's wrist. This question caused the man to laugh which annoyed me even more 'Cocky BASTARD!'

Before anything else could be said, his time came to an end and took his last breath and we still don't know where Jack the Ripper is and... we still don't know where my husband is.

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