Chapter 24

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Evie and I arrived where we needed to be, after traveling over 700m to get to Whitechapel but I personally don't think it took so long due to us using the roofs and our gauntlets to get us there.

We arrived at the station to meet Fredrick Abberline, I open the door and walked into to see Emmett and Marie sitting by Fredrick's desk. "What are you two doing here?!" I ask with an angry tone due to them disobeying me, "I thought I told you to stay at home,"

Before the kids could say anything Fredrick quickly answers for them. "I thought it would be safer here for them," I nod my head before going over to them and hugging them. I kiss both of their foreheads as Evie and Fredrick talked about what had happened.

"I will catch the Ripper, inspector. But first you must help me find Weaversbrook before he does," Evie announces, we all watch Fredrick as a scowl comes to his face, he gets up out of his chair and walked past Evie.

"This way, you both must not be seen..."

Fredrick leads us to the open window downstairs, Evie was about to jump out just as Fredrick told us where to find Weaverbrook. I turn to the kids and ordered them to stay here whilst Evie and I find Weaversbrook.

"Mother, we can help you find him!" Emmett snaps a bit but I know he didn't mean for it to come out like that, I look down to the floor before I look back up to look between the two. 

"Emmett...I've already lost your father...I can't lose you two as well... so please stay here," 

They both nod their heads, thankfully listening for once before I climb out of the window and walked away but making sure I turned back to wave at my two beautiful children, they waved back and I smiled at them before I ran over to a carriage Evie is sat at.

"So where are we off too?" I ask as she wipes the horses causing them to start moving. "Mr. Abberline said he should be someone near St. Paul." I nod my head as I watch the scenery go by, all the people are terrified and... it's understandable. I'm going to make sure the Ripper never returns.

After and short ride we finally arrive at where Weaverbrook should be and looks like the people who are helping the Ripper is already surrounding the place, I use my gauntlet to help me up to the roofs. I've always done better fighting from the roofs.

As I get to the top I notice a woman walking the opposite way so this is my opportunity to take her out so I Carefully walk towards her before slicing her throat with my blade before jumping across to the building in the middle, grabbing a throwing knife and throwing it at the woman a few meters away from me.

The knife hits her causing her to tumble down and fall off the roof, as the corpse fell, I quickly jump off the roof, landing on top of a man underneath, he falls to the floor with me on top of him, I quickly stab him with my blade, making sure it's in the back of the neck.

I get away from the corpse and start running towards Jack's guys who has Weaversbrook pinned against the wall, I quickly got to them and killed the two of three men. Once killing the two, I bring out my gun and just when I was about to pull the trigger, Evie comes out of nowhere and killing the man.

I turn around to see Mr. Weaversbrook running away from the scene but before he could get any further away Evie got to him first, she tries to grab his shoulder but this caused him to fall in shock. "What do you want?" Mr. Weaversbrook asks still very shaken up.

"We're hunting Jack the Ripper," Evie announces trying to calm him down. This cause Mr. Weaversbrook to freak out even more. "No!" He shouts as he stands to his feet. "Stay away! He sees and hears everything!"

"My name is Evie Frye and you properly familiar with Rosanna Frye. We're here to help," 

"Mr. Jacob Frye's sister??" Mr. Weaversbrook asks.

"Yes," Evie says before she asks for the picture, I reach in to take out the picture of the four men we found next to Lady Owers when Evie assassinated her. "What happened to these men?" Evie asks as she shows him the picture.

"Gone. Taken, dead! Please, the Ripper has my son. He will kill him!"

I look at him with sympathy, I didn't realise his son has been taken and... I know how he feels to have someone you love dearly to be taken from you. I quickly walk past Evie and lay my hand on his shoulder and said.

"We'll find your son and we'll bring him back to you, sir. But you need to come with us."

I walk behind Mr. Weaversbrook whilst Evie walked in front of him, just in case any of the Rippers men tried to get to him. Evie asked him some questions about the letters and he told us that not only did Jacob and I asked him to stop, his son did too.

I quickly grab a carriage on the side of the road, once again I allowed Evie to drive. I jump out of the passenger seat so Mr. Weaversbrook can seat next to her, just in case she had any more questions. I quickly climbed into the back of the carriage, all I could do was sit back and enjoy the ride which is very difficult at this time.

Evie suddenly stops the carriage and knocks on the door, telling me we had arrived. I open the door and climbed out and walked over to Evie and Mr. Weaversbrooks. "Wait here. Mr. Weaversbrook. We'll be back with good news before you know it."

I look around to see we are at the Docks, 'seems like almost everything cures by the docks,' I thought to myself as I start following after Evie. We get near to the doors where the people are.

"Rosanna, you stay here and watch the place... just in case anymore comes back," Evie says and walks towards the wall and starts climbing up, in mid climbing she stops to warn me not to raise to alarm, I nod agreeing and leaned against the wall waiting for Evie to return.

After waiting for quite some time Evie finally arrived back and told me what happened and told me what she found out from Mr. Weaversbrook's son. For a little while, we scaled the roofs to get to where Evie is guiding me too. We arrived at a boat which Evie told me will bring us where we wanted to be,  I still don't understand why we're here but I don't bother to question Evie.

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