Request - Scott McCall "A mad world" (Sequel)

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Scott turned towards the boy with the gun. His eyes were glowing a bright gold and his claws ripped Matt's shirt. "I don't want to kill you..." Scott hissed between his teeth, his fangs, and he wrapped his hands around Matt's neck. "But if that's what it takes to get my sister out of here, I'll do it." His grip tightened and you held your breath.

Even though the last couple of minutes had been the scariest of your entire life, you had never thought you would see your brother like this. You weren't even sure if you liked him like this.

Scott had always been a nice and kind person. He was always the first to volunteer to help someone in need and more than once he had done the little jobs in the house you hated so much.

You didn't like admitting it, but Scott was in every way better than you would ever be. You closed your eyes when Matt's body fell on the floor and quickly you stepped forward to check if he was still breathing. Although a part of you wouldn't be too sad to see him dead, another part of you didn't like the thought of your twin brother being a murderer.

Scott deserved better. Scott was better. "Don't worry, sis." Scott shrugged his shoulders and he walked towards the iron bars in front of you. "He's not dead." He smiled, but the smile looked a little weird now the boy in front of you was more than just human. "Let's get out of here, okay?" Scott's eyes stared straight into yours and you nodded. He curled his fingers around the steel and he groaned while he started pulling.

It felt like hours had passed before there was finally a gap big enough to let you through, big enough to let you free and you felt Scott's hand grabbing yours. "Does mom know what you are?" You allowed him to pull you along while he started running. You had no idea what to feel right now. Should you be shocked? Surprised? Scared? Terrified?

"No, and I wasn't planning on telling her. She would freak out." Scott kept on running, away from the police station, away from Matt, away from everything that had happened, everything that had turned your entire world upside down. Scott was right though.

You were already freaking out and you were certain that your mom would freak out even more. "What if something like this happens to her too?" You were out of breath and you could barely speak, but Scott seemed to understand you anyway.

"I'll make sure this will never happen again. Not to you and for sure not to our mom." He stood finally still and you let his hand go. "If anyone has a problem with me, they should fight with me and not with my family." The werewolf had disappeared and in front of you stood the boy you knew, the boy you had known your entire life, the boy you loved.

"You don't have to do this alone, Scott." You shook your head and sighed a few times to fill your lungs with fresh air. "You've got me now and we're gonna do this together." 

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