Request - Stefan Salvatore and Lexi Branson "A day in the sun"

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear (Y/N). Happy birthday to you!" Lexi's voice was echoing through the house and she was holding a huge cake with way too many candles to count.

"Yeah, happy birthday." Stefan smiled. He had his hands in the pockets of his jeans and he had his eyebrows raised, clearly not understanding why Lexi had even bothered to buy a cake with candles.

You were a vampire. A relatively new born vampire. The last thing you were craving at the moment was a birthday cake. You could make quite a list of things you were craving for though. You were craving for blood, even though you had learned how to control the thirst. You were craving being able to stroll down a shopping street instead of having to order everything on the internet. You were craving not being locked up between the four walls of this house.

"So, how are you feeling today?" Lexi sat down next to you and she smiled a bright smile. For someone her age she seemed a little too excited about an ordinary human birthday.

"I feel okay, I think. Not very special." You shrugged your shoulders and wondered if Lexi was really going to ask you to blow out all the candles and to make a wish.

"Good, because Stefan and I have a surprise for you!" Lexi looked up at her best friend and Stefan started smiling too while he stepped closer towards you.

He took one hand out of his pocket and he gave you a small black box with a blood red ribbon. "Happy birthday." He cocked his head and he nodded encouraging when you hesitated to open the little package.

Your fingers were trembling while you untied the ribbon and your hands were sweating while you clicked the box open. For a short moment you held your breath and your eyes widened when you saw the small silver ring with the bright blue stone.

"I hope it's somehow your style." Stefan shifted his weight from one leg to the other and Lexi wrapped her arms around your body.

"It doesn't matter if it's your style or not! We're going out today!" She raised her voice and carefully you grabbed the ring between your thumb and fingers. "I've planned a picnic in the park and we'll go to the biggest warehouse we can find and I've reserved us spots outside on the terrace in one of the best restaurants in town."

You shove the ring around your finger. You had not heard a word of what Lexi had been saying. It didn't matter. This ring meant that Stefan and Lexi trusted you. That they thought that you wouldn't eat humans anymore. That they thought you were ready to pick up your normal life again. That they believed you were strong enough to be in crowded places again.

"Isn't that a little much for one day?" Stefan raised his eyebrows, but Lexi shook her head.

"She's a vampire now! And it's time that we show her how amazing that can be." She grabbed your hand and stood up, pulling you along with her. "Let's go find you something nice to wear for today." She used her other hand to grab Stefan's arm. "And you're coming along to help us pick."

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