Request - Drabble Bellamy Blake

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"They didn't do anything!" You raised your voice and you screamed. You screamed and screamed, but your parents were gone before you could even blink. "Why did they do this?" You shook your head and you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.

"I'm sorry..." Bellamy cleared his throat and he swallowed a few times. The grip around your shoulders tightened and he waited until you had turned around to bent his head. "I didn't want them to die."

You frowned your eyebrows and narrowed your eyes. You didn't understand any of this. Your parents had never done anything wrong, you had never done anything wrong, but now they were floated, dead, gone.

"I made a mistake and I accidentally left traces leading to your parents." He didn't dare to look up at you and you held your breath while your eyes widened.

"You did what?" You curled your fingers up to form fists and started to hit his chest. "You're a monster! I thought you were my best friend! Why would you do something like this? Why didn't you say you had done it? Why didn't you save them?" Tears were rolling down your cheeks, but Bellamy didn't do anything to stop you.

He didn't stop your fists hurting his chest. He didn't stop you from screaming and crying. He didn't hiss that you should stop drawing attention. "You have every right to be angry." He cocked his head a little and he bit his lip. "I know that you'll never be able to forgive me." He paused for a short moment. "It should have been me being floated."

You didn't answer for a moment and tried to imagine Bellamy being floated, how his eyes would meet yours right before he would die, how he would whisper sweet words only you would understand. "You better make sure to do everything you can to make up for this." You calmed down a little and took a few deep breaths. "You're the only one I have now. I don't want to lose you too."

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