Request - Killian Jones "Wake up"

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Sequel to "Changed" 

"Come on love... wake up... please wake up..." He had been sitting next to her bed for days now, snapping at everyone who tried to make him leave. Even doctor Whale had given up on trying to get him to leave, and the last day no one had tried it anymore. He just noticed that from time to time there was a kind person putting something to drink or eat next to him. Not that he paid much attention to the meals, no matter how often Mary Margaret tried to make him eat something.

"I don't think I can do this without you, Emma...", Hook mumbled.

She had been his rock in this world. She had been the one constant in a realm he barely understood. No matter how often she had told him off lately, how guilty she had felt about him being there and Robin being dead, he was pretty sure he couldn't do this alone.

Besides... the Evil Queen would get her way if she wouldn't wake up. Which was simply not an option.

He still had no idea what had gotten her here, just that David had suddenly stood in front of his door to get him and bring him here. One moment he had thought she was dead, one moment where his entire world seemed to collapse. That was before someone explained to him how the monitors worked. She couldn't die, not now he had come back from death. He took her hand in his, squeezing it, keeping an eye on the monitor that kept beeping regularly.
"Don't you die on me, ok? I can't lose you, not like this. Not before we made up... not before I'm sure I'm still inside of these walls you keep building."

Did he feel a movement in the hand he was holding? He was suddenly wide awake, not paying attention on the monitor he didn't understand anyway. They had tried to explain him what everything meant, but he had only remembered what her heartbeat was.
"Emma? Love? Please... wake up!" His eyes were focused on her face, as if he could will her to open her eyes. For him. For everyone who cared about her, but most of all for him. He needed her, just like she needed him.
"I'm not letting you go that easily, love..." He didn't look back, didn't notice the nurse standing in the doorway, hesitant if she should do something.

"Mr. Jones?", she asked, softly. "I noticed something on the monitor... do you mind if I check up on her for one moment?"

He did mind, actually. He did mind everyone who made him let go of her, but he did step back, letting her check Emma's vitals, until he saw the nurse startle as well.
"What is the matter? What is it?", he asked, a bit more fierce than he had meant to.

"I think I can congratulate you, sir...", she said with a smile on her face. "I have no idea how it's possible, but she's waking up." She stepped back again, letting Killian get back to his place at her side.
"And I think it's you she wants to see first, not me."

The first smile in days graced his face, and he sat down again, taking her hand again.
"See, love? I'm not done with you... and apparently you're not done with me either."

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