Request - Jon Snow "With a little help from my friends"

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Something about you twirling around in the giant dining room made his lips curl up into a smile. You had not told Jon anything about what had happened here in Winterfell while he had been at the wall, but the smile on your face and the glimmer in your eyes said more than a thousand words could have done.

The last time Jon had seen you here, in Winterfell, he had been nothing but Ned Stark's bastard. He had been tolerated, maybe even liked by some of the Stark children, but he had been nothing. Now he was proclaimed King in the North. He had not asked for the title and he still wasn't sure if he wanted the title, but he had to admit that it was good to be home again, good to be with you again.

"So, the bastard has become a King. Wow, that's kinda impressive." You sat down on one of the tables and Jon knew he actually had to tell you that a proper lady would use a chair. You were not a proper lady and Jon was certain that you had never actually been one.

"I am pretty sure it's not as great as it sounds." Jon cocked his head a little and he remembered how uncomplicated your friendship had been, years ago, long before he had even thought about leaving this place, long before he had even thought about the possibility of dying. Ever since he had been dead once, the fear had been growing in his chest.

"Come on, Jon. Don't be such a pessimist." You jumped of the table again and your hands grabbed his. "You've beaten the odds once and I'm sure you can beat them again."

Jon raised his eyebrows a little and he wondered if part of the reason he was so fond of you was your endless optimism. He had died. He had been killed by his own men. He had been betrayed and broken. No matter how hard he tried to believe that there was a chance he had come back because he was destined to fulfill some kind of prophecy, there was nothing but fear that something alike would happen again.

"Do you know what you need?" You stared at him with a smirk on your face and Jon shook his head. "You need to find your inner child back."

Jon laughed out loud and he rolled his eyes. Every time he thought he had figured you out and he could no longer be surprised by you, you proved him how wrong he had been. "We both know that my inner child was a born pessimist."

"Well, time to change that then!" You cocked your head a little and smiled a bright smile. "You're King in the North now and everyone is looking at you when it comes to the war with the Lannisters and the White Walkers. You can't be a pessimist anymore. Pessimists lose battles. We need a winner."

"And how were you going to change me?" Jon freed his hands and he folded them behind his back. "What makes you so special that you can turn me into something I've never been?"

You licked your lips and tapped his nose with your finger. "I can remember that one time you didn't have that frown on your forehead, Jon Snow." You grabbed his hand again and made your way towards the door. "You and I are going to relive some childhood memories." You paused for a short moment and Jon took a deep breath, not sure if he was liking the direction in which this was going. "We're going to build a snowman."

Jon stood still and he widened his eyes while he shook his head. "I am the King in the North! I can't simply go outside and build a Snowman!"

"Of course you can! If anyone sees us, you simply say that every important castle needs his own guardian snowman." You giggled and Jon couldn't help smiling again. "See! It's already working!"

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