Request- Damon Salvatore "Hot"

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You crossed your arms, sitting down on the couch, trying not to listen to what aunt Jenna said. It wasn't fair. Elena always got everything she wanted. She got to date the hot new guy. She got to stay out late while you had to stay inside. She got to do everything, and you? You got nothing. You got to sit at home, watch tv, go to bed and go back to school tomorrow. It wasn't fair. You stayed up and waited until Jenna had gone to bed, too stubborn to admit you were tired as well. If you couldn't go out, you'd stay awake right here.

"And why the long face, honey?"

You jumped up when you heard a voice behind you. Who was that? How had he come in? You had seen Jenna lock the door before she went to bed... You turned around, your heart beating in your throat, when you recognized Stefan's brother who had been here a few nights ago to have dinner. Stefan didn't seem to happy with him, but he was hot. He was really, really hot.
"Damon?", you frowned.

He smirked.
"The one and only. Why are you sitting here all by yourself? Shouldn't a pretty little thing like you be out there with a nice guy, dancing, maybe even having some very illegal beer?"
He winked, and your heart jumped up.

Scratch the really hot part, he was ridiculously hot. With those blue eyes, that wink, that leather jacket...
"A bit of a pity that every nice guy around here only has eyes for Elena then. Your brother, and don't fool me... I've seen you looking at her as well, so..."

He leaned against the wall, not fazed at all by what you had to say.
"That was because I thought you would have been taken already. Even though I do like a challenge, which is why I am here tonight. I know my brother is giving Elena probably the most boring date ever, so I'll just have to convince you to come with me so you have the better story to tell tomorrow."

You glanced up the stairs where you knew aunt Jenna was sleeping. At least, you hoped she was sleeping and not listening in on this... she might like Damon, but you didn't think she liked Damon enough to let this happen.
"But it's past my curfew already? If Jenna catches us..."

He smirked again, walking towards you, looking down at you with a twinkle in his eyes, a smirk around his lips.
"I would have thought you more adventurous than that. You've never sneaked out of the house before? Never did something you weren't supposed to do? Because then it's about time I start corrupting you."

You bit your lip, thinking for one moment what to do. As if you had a choice. Sitting at home being bored, or spending the night with an exciting, handsome stranger... you'd pick the stranger, even if it would earn you a scolding from aunt Jenna.
"Fine. I'm in."

He grinned broadly by now, and he outstretched his hand to you.
"Come on. I know exactly where to take you. Believe me... you'll have the best story anyone at school can tell." He bent over towards you, whispering in you ear.
"And you'll have the hottest boyfriend of them all... You'll be the one on top this time, not Elena."

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