Request - Drabble Cora Hale

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You had always known that the calm would end one day. You had been prepared for Cora packing her bags and grabbing her jacket. You had been counting on her picking a dangerous life with her family over a safe life with you one day. But now it was happening you were far from ready for it.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" You crossed your arms over your chest and cocked your head.

"Derek needs me." Cora lifted her chin a little and she tensed her muscles. Even though she was rarely smiling, she always managed to make your heart beat faster. Even though she was betraying you by trying to sneak out of the house without you noticing, you had never been more in love with her than you were right this second.

"Derek has brought you here to make sure you would be safe." You weren't lying. Technically. Derek had brought Cora here to keep her safe, but it was not the reason you didn't want her to leave. You didn't want her to leave because you needed her, because you wanted her. You didn't want her to leave because you knew that there was a chance she would never come back again.

"My brother is in danger. It's my turn to make sure he's safe." Cora took a deep breath and her eyes were staring straight into yours. It was impossible to guess what was going through her mind. It was impossible to know what she was feeling, what she was wishing for.

"I know, but I can't let you go." You shook your head and you placed both your hands firmly on her shoulders. "Wherever he is, it's dangerous and I don't want to lose you!" You were almost screaming now and you saw a glimmer of a smile spreading itself across Cora's face.

"I'll be back." She pressed a soft kiss on your cheek and then she walked passed you to open the door. "Take care of yourself while I'm gone." She looked over her shoulder one last time before she disappeared into the darkness of the night.

"Take care of yourself too..."

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