Request - Stiles Stilinski "Little Mermaid"

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"Who wants to go swimming?" Stiles jumped up from his towel and looked at his friends. He couldn't remember the last time they had been doing nothing together, but to be honest, doing nothing wasn't really his thing.

No one reacted though. Allison and Lydia were busy discussing some pictures in a fashion magazine. Derek was asleep with a newspaper over his head. And Scott was building a sand castle with Kira.

"Okay, fine. Just ignore Stiles. Like always. He wants to go swimming? Well, just let him go on his own, right?" Stiles shook his head and while cursing a little he walked to the shore until the salty water flooded around his ankles. The sun was shining brightly and Stiles closed his eyes for a moment.

Those calm moments had become rare. Most of the time they were chasing bad guys. Most of the time they were trying to keep the humans in Beacon Hills safe. Most of the time they were failing hopelessly.


Stiles opened his eyes when a soft, but warm voice filled his ears. He had never heard a voice like that before and he narrowed his eyes to try to find the person who owned the voice.

The beach seemed empty. All he could see were his friends, who still didn't seem to notice that Stiles had simply go swimming without them, and sand.


Stiles frowned his eyebrows and he held his hand above his eyes while he looked over the water of the sea. In the far distance, barely more than a small dot, he noticed something green. Without thinking he jumped into the water and he started swimming. He had to know what the green dot was. He had to know who had been singing.

"Hello cutie..." Your arms slid around his waist and carefully you placed his sweating body on a sandbank.

When Stiles opened his eyes he noticed that the beach was further away than he had thought it would be. He felt a shiver rolling down his spine, but as soon as he looked up and stared into your eyes, all his doubts and fears disappeared. He didn't ask questions about your tail. He didn't ask about the fins.

You were beautiful. You were heartbreaking beautiful. You were more beautiful than Lydia, Kira and Allison combined. You were more beautiful than the most beautiful model he had ever seen in those magazines Lydia carried around.

Without thinking about it, he pushed himself up and he pressed his lips on yours. He had no idea what he was doing and why he was doing it, but it felt like the right thing to do, so he just did it.

"There is no need to be in a hurry, love..." You kissed him back and your hand was stroking his hair. "We can stay here for a while." You smiled, but Stiles shook his head and he wrapped his arms around your neck.

"Please..." His throat felt soar. "Please, tell me there is a way for you to become human so we can be together for always and forever?"

You grinned and it was your turn to shake your head. "No, little lover." You pressed your lips on his again. "But we can stay here as long as you want. And even longer."

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