Emma Swan & Killian Jones - Changed

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"What's the matter, Killian?" Emma whirled around, looking at the man who had followed her –again-. She didn't know why it annoyed her so much. A few months ago she would have been glad that there was a Killian to follow her around, but now... she didn't know what it was.
"I've got more pressing matters to take care of than guessing what you want all the time. In case you missed it... If having one Jekyll and Hyde around wasn't enough, we also have an Evil Queen here, next to Regina. And she's not going to manage to get rid of her all by herself. So please... go and pout at home, or make yourself useful. Please..." She had missed the old Killian. Something had changed ever since he had come back from the Underworld, ever since she had tried everything to save him, but she had failed. The only reason why he was here right now is because apparently Zeus took pity on him and let him go, while...

"I don't know, Emma. It still doesn't feel right for me to be here while I had to leave Arthur. While Robin was killed because of the whole trip to the Underworld. You can't exactly blame me for not knowing exactly how to find my place here again, love. Things like that take time. I just know I want to be around you. Help you. Make sure you're ok." He looked at her with that look she could barely resist. "You're not the same since I came back from there, love. Please... let me help you. Don't start shutting me out again? I'm not sure if coming back is worth it if that makes me loose you..."

Her look got softer. It wasn't Killian's fault he had died, it was hers... it wasn't Killian's fault that the attempt to rescue him took so many lives, she had insisted on it, even when she hadn't wanted everyone to come. But he was here, and all those others weren't... She could imagine that would do something to his mindset. It had done something to hers... She was being too harsh on him, and on herself... but she didn't know how to change that.
"I know you're trying, Killian. I just... I don't know. I can't put aside everything so easily as everyone seems to do. I was the one opening that whole Underworld thing, which means I can't even blame the Evil Queen for giving me the evil eye for killing her one true love. It's my fault Robin isn't there anymore, and no matter how much you cuddle me, that's not going to change a thing." Why did she think she had a right on happiness when she had been the cause of Regina losing hers? For the second time?

Killian just shrugged.
"Don't you think I didn't have these thoughts? But I'm here, you're here, and it won't bring anyone back if we tried to become happy again. Emma, please... don't put up that wall again after you started to tear it down?"

Emma shook her head.
"I can't leave it down, Killian. If I don't put up that wall, people get hurt. I'm sorry... but I can't. It's better this way, for everyone." She turned around and walked on.

"Except for you, love...", Killian mumbled when he watched her leave. "Except for you..."

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