Request - Damon Salvatore & Klaus Mikaelson "Solution"

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"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

You whirled around, recognizing that voice from anywere.
"Klaus? What are you doing here?"

"I called him..." Damon stood in the door opening, arms crossed, brow raised, daring you to say something about it, because he would bring you down if you would do that.

"You couldn't handle me all by yourself?", you challenged him. It had been a few weeks since you turned off your humanity, and apparently Damon had a bit of trouble finding out how to prevent you from being a menace to everyone in town. You turned towards Klaus.
"Don't tell me you became just as boring as he did? I'm just getting started with having fun, you know. Or did you come here to join the fun?"

Klaus shot a look at Damon, one that warned him not to come any closer while he was going to handle this.
"Would you want me to, love? Because you'll have to come to New Orleans with me to do so. I've heard you've become quite the problem here, and even though most people here in Mystic Falls could die for all I care...", he shot another look at Damon at these words, making clear he was included in those people, "... there are a few I would like to see survive. And I don't trust these fools here to control you enough to manage that."

Damon rolled his eyes and stepped into the room, no matter how much he was trying to leave handling you to Klaus.
"There haven't been any major casualties, unless you care for that frat party she visited. I'd like to see you do that. She has been after your precious Caroline, after all..."

You just looked at both of them with a lot of boredom. They weren't going to let you out of the house until they were done, and you knew you couldn't outsmart or outrun them, they were too old and too strong for that. You just had to wait for your chance. So that's what you did, leaning against the wall, crossing your arms.

Klaus kept one eye on you while he was turning to Damon.
"You already extensively dwelt on that when you asked for my help, Damon. As well as her threats towards Bonnie. It seems you let matters get strongly out of hand."

Damon's eyes spit fire, and he stepped towards Klaus. It looked like he had almost forgotten you were here as well.
"You can go again, if all you can do is insult me. I thought you came here to help, not to rub my nose in the mess she has made out of all of this. You don't even know what made her turn it off, let alone that you can judge that everything she does is somehow my fault. You can go back to New Orleans if that is how you want to play this."

Klaus smirked, and you stood up straight. They both looked so focused on each other that they might forget you were still here.
"Damon, Damon, Damon...", Klaus tutted. "Immediately the defensive stance. I'll help you solve your little... problem here. Just try to keep your temper in check, and leave this to your betters. I have centuries of experience over you for dealing with these kind of dissidents. She'll listen."

After they got their hands on you, that was... because while Klaus was talking you down, you had taken your chance and ran off. They could finish their pissing contest in peace. You were about to have some fun.

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