Request - Tristan de Martel "Favour"

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"Allow me, love..."

You turned around to check who was suddenly taking the weight of your bags out of your hand, and you found out you didn't know the man. He did vaguely remind you of Elijah, at least when it came to his manners.

He was polite, smiling, but somehow you had the feeling there was more behind that smile than you could see.
"Thanks...", you sighed, glad to get rid of your bag. "I was having a bit of trouble balancing it all."

He chuckled.
"I could see that much... which made me decide to give you a hand." He carried the bag as if it didn't weigh anything at all, even when you knew from experience it was very heavy.

You always waited too long to get your groceries, which meant you always had to buy more than you could carry. Luckily you were home already, and you put down the bags you still had in your hands to search for your key.
"Thanks so much..." You frowned when you realized you didn't even know his name. "I'm sorry, I've been really rude. I'm Y/N.", you introduced yourself.

The stranger even managed to shift the bag to one hand to shake your hand.
"Tristan de Martel. The pleasure to meet you is completely mine."

You pulled back your hand and started to open the door, suddenly not so sure about everything anymore. You had heard that name before. Mostly in a negative way. The man was supposed to be dangerous, manipulative, a danger towards the Mikaelsons. How had you ended up with him? When you finally managed to get the door open, you turned back towards him, a smile plastered on your face.
"Thanks. I'll manage from here..."

He however shook his head.
"I doubt that, my dear. It's heavy, and I would never forgive myself if I allowed you to risk your neck by carrying them up the stairs. I insist..."

He was right, and he wasn't... you were pretty sure he was a bigger risk for you than carrying those bags of the stairs, and seeing how clumsy you could be, that said something. But you could still allow him that much.
"Fine... come along.", you gestured. It wasn't your home yet, of course, and you could still stop him at your door, or so you hoped.

He smirked when you arrived at your house door.
"I assume this is as far as I can come today? I've noticed your hesitation, love. You might put up a very lovely smile, but your heart tells the truth. I would however want to point out that your wariness is completely unnecessary. I have no idea what you have heard about me, but believe me... those stories can hardly do me any justice."

You stopped fumbling at your lock and turned around.
"So you're not here because of some sire line war? You're not here to harm the Originals?"

He shrugged.
"I'd advise you not to get caught up in too many matters that go above your head, my dear. I will react when I am threatened, but I will not initiate a war all by myself. Please... I just ask you for one favour. Meet me tonight at eight, and I will make sure you'll have a night to remember." He smiled, bowing slightly to say his goodbyes.
"I'll meet you here... I won't even ask to be invited in. I'm fairly sure you'll do that out of your free will after tonight."

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