Request - Klaus Mikaelson "You win"

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"Come on!" You turned around to see where Klaus was lagging behind, your arms in the air, dancing to the music the dj was playing.
"This is fun! I haven't done this in way too long!"

He caught up with you pretty fast, one arm on your shoulder, turning you around.
"That's probably because Marcel has declared this one of the feeding grounds for his vampires, love. We need to get you out of here before midnight."

You checked your phone, not stopping your dance.
"It's still early!", you yelled over the music, even when that wasn't necessary.
"It's only ten thirty! We can still have over an hour of fun before you have to play the concerned friend who's getting his protégée out of trouble! Forget about being responsible for once, ok? Tonight nothing's gonna happen, and if the world explodes, Elijah can deal with it!" You hadn't dragged your friend along to pout and be alert the entire night. You wanted a drink, you wanted to dance, and if you needed to get out on time to prevent you from becoming a midnight snack, you'd do that, but that was as far as you were willing to think about all the supernatural crap around you.

"Fine...", he rolled his eyes before grabbing your hand and spinning you around.
"You do realize this is not entirely my scene, do you?" He did look strangely out of place, despite the modern clothes, despite how well he had always managed to blend into modern society.

"Bad luck then I couldn't find a masked ball for tonight.", you teased him. "I'm sure you would have felt great there, but then it would have been me sticking out. Tonight you're stuck in my scene, as you call it."

He laughed, like a man who knew when to accept defeat. He might be the Original Hybrid, making every enemy of him cower before him if he chose to, but you knew you were on familiar territory tonight. This night was yours, and you were going to show him that it could be fun.

You pulled him towards you, starting to dance.
"This is how you do it, Klaus. Watch and learn.", you chuckled. He had said it to you numerous times, and every time he had been right. Now it was your turn, and you swayed your hips, moving to the music, suddenly raising your eyebrows when he seemed to catch on really fast.

"Did you really think I've never been to a club before, sweetheart?", he said with a grin. "Just because I might prefer a more quiet atmosphere doesn't mean I don't know how to dance here." He smirked again, eyes twinkling, and pulled you towards him.
"On the contrary. I've been told I'm very, very good at it, the rare times I've ventured in establishments like these.", he almost growled, never wiping that smirk off his face

You had to agree with them. He was good at it. Better than you were, actually. And you weren't sure if you wanted to feed his ego more by admitting it, but with the way he kept looking at you, it was hard not to.
"Fine. You win." You grinned. "But I do think everyone around here is jealous at me tonight."

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