Request - Rafael McCall "Right McCall" (Sequel)

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You had been running for minutes, maybe even an hour, but eventually you stood still and took a few deep breaths. You had no idea why you were in love with Rafael. You had no idea why your heart had chosen him. You had tried to change it. You really had. But nothing you had done had helped. Everything you had done had only made things worse.

"(Y/N)!" Rafael sounded out of breath, but he stopped running as soon as he saw you, a few steps away from the spot where you were standing. "Let's talk about this, okay?" He nodded at you and you bent your head.

You didn't want to talk about this. You had no idea what to say, how to explain this. You had no idea how to tell a man who could have been your father that you had fallen in love with him.

"You're in love with me." Rafael took a deep breath and he kept on staring at you while you tried to avoid his glance. "You've been spending time with my son so you could spend time with me." He placed a hand on your shoulder and you felt a shiver rolling down your spine.

"Please, don't make this any harder than it already is." You shook your head and you shrugged his hand of. You knew that he probably meant well. But by being nice to you he didn't make it easier for you to forget him, to get over him, to start falling for boys your own age.

"I just want to tell you that it's okay to be in love with me." Rafael sighed and he cocked his head a little. He seemed older now, wiser. He seemed even more caring than your mind had made him to be. He was far from helping. "A first love is always strong. I know that I can't simply break that or end that." Rafael licked his lips and waited for a moment. "I can't return the love either. I can't kiss you or hold you. But your first love is something magical and I don't want it to be nothing but pain for you."

You smiled a mocking smile and raised your eyebrows. "How are you going to do that?" You shook your head. There was no way you would ever be able to enjoy a love like this. If you had been able to return the love to where it came from, you would have done so.

"We can spend some time together." He bent his head and stared at his feet, but you threw your head in your neck while the tears rolled down your cheeks.

"Like father and daughter, right? The old man taking care of the young girl." You swallowed. "Don't do this. Don't try to make this love into something it will never be. This love is horrible and ugly and I don't want it." You ignored the salty taste in your mouth. "Just stay away from me, make sure Scott stays away from me. Force me to forget you. Maybe one day I'll meet someone I can fall in love with. Don't make me hold on to a glimmer of hope."

Rafael didn't say anything, but he nodded. "If that's what you want." He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, as if he was waiting until you would change your mind.

You wouldn't. You wanted to get rid of this feeling as soon as possible.  

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