Request - Klaus Mikaelson & Damon Salvatore "Caught"

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Sequel to "Solution"

You drank deep, so deep that you lost track of time, lost track of your surroundings, lost track of your victim. Which you only noticed when you heard the heartbeat die out. You killed another one. You just shrugged, looking for a way to dispose of the body. It was the only reason you preferred keeping them alive, not having this whole bother of trying to get rid of them.

"Having troubles, love?" A familiar voice with a British accent spoke behind you. Klaus. Damn that guy. He had caught up faster than you had hoped he would.

You turned around, a sickening smile on your face.
"Not anything you should be bothered with, Klaus." You rolled your eyes at the two men standing there. "And it's not your concern either, Damon. Why don't you two continue bickering about who should be the one saving me, I'll just continue what I'm doing here."

Damon crossed his arms, shooting you a stern look.
"Nice try, honey. Do you really think we're going to let you get away again while we fight? That trick worked once, but it's not working again. You're coming home. Now. End of discussion." He shot a short look at Klaus who miraculously didn't even react.

"I'm shocked.", you reacted. "Am I really seeing a united front? I feel special, guys..." You started laughing when Klaus stepped forwards.

"We're perfectly able to put aside old quarrels, Y/N. You managed to play us once, you will not manage to do so again. Your friend...", he glanced at Damon, "... and I can continue our discussion once you've been taken care of. So... if you want to be so friendly..." He gestured towards his car, inviting you to join him.

For one moment you thought about simply not doing it, but even while you weren't afraid –how could you, without your humanity-, you weren't stupid. If you didn't go willingly, they'd make you. They had a lot of years over you, they both were a lot stronger, so you wouldn't stand a chance.
"Fine. Just know I'm not planning on turning it back on anytime soon, so you're both wasting your time."

Klaus took your arm, while Damon took your other arm, making sure you weren't going to change your mind. Which would be kind of stupid right now.

"O, sweetheart... I'm not going to let you waste my time. You'll turn it on, believe me. You'll struggle a bit, before giving in, but you'll do it eventually. Why don't you just skip the whole tedious first part? Both Damon and I have experience with stubbornness, and I hardly think you can beat us when it comes to that."

Damon started laughing.
"At least something we agree on. As on the fact that you can't stay this way. I don't want to babysit you for the next twentysomething years, so...", he grinned. "How much trouble are you still going to cause for everyone, including yourself?"

"Why do the two of you even care?", you wondered. "Did you really think I was going to hurt Caroline? I shut off my emotions, not my brain. I know I would be dead if I did that, so..." You sat down in the car, Damon in the back seat next to you, as a guard, while Klaus slipped behind the wheel.

"You wouldn't understand, darling...", Klaus answered from behind the wheel. "In your current state, you wouldn't understand."

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