Tim Drake

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Red Robin's POV
You know, I'm starting to think I should've listen to my dad all those years ago. He told me to hang up the cape, stop being Robin. But, I thought I was on top of the world. That quickly got shut down, and ruined me forever.

It all started four years ago when I started working for Bruce. After the Robin before me, Jason Todd, mysteriously disappeared Batman became very violent. I knew if I didn't do anything, he would cross the line he can never go back from. So, after a bit of research and putting together evidence, I discovered that Batman is Bruce Wayne. I used this against him by saying if he didn't make me the new Robin, I'd reveal his secret identity. I pretty much blackmailed Gotham's Greatest Detective. I'll put that on my resume later.

After a year of intense training, I was finally able to wear and have the mantel of Robin. I went with him in all his missions and helped him out a lot. After two years of defending Gotham with him, I then was selected to join a group of sidekicks called Young Justice. It was really cool, I met all sorts of friends while in the group. Wally, Connor, Megan, Kaldur, Bart, and others. We also saved the day countless times on the team, everything was just going well.

Then, we had a mission that the Justice League didn't want to assign to us. It was because the mission was the to investigate The Joker and his Clowns to see what they are doing with illegal Cadmus Tech. Batman, along with the other Leaguers, thought it would be too much for us to handle. I should've listened, but I didn't and took it upon myself to go to Gotham and investigate by myself.

After a while, I slipped up and got myself captured by Joker. And then, he started using that illegal Cadmus Tech on me. The things he did, the torture he put me through, it's hard to talk about it without me getting an anxiety attack. After it was all over, he turned me into an exact clone of him. He claimed me as his and Harley's son Timmy. Batman and Spoiler, Stephanie Brown, both came to rescue me and succeeded which led to Joker's death. And for me, it left me scarred for the rest of my life.

It took a couple weeks, but Bruce, along with the help of Amanda Waller, helped changed me back to my normal self. My mind was changed though. I was scared to go out the house anymore, let alone fight crime. So, I hung up the cowl and quit being Robin. But the nightmares kept coming, worse and worse everyday. I went to therapy for a six months, but it didn't help so I stopped and just stayed in the manor for another two months. I went from being an energetic superhero to a depressing and defeated human being.

After the two months I began feeling a little better, but staying in Gotham was the main reason I kept feeling this way. So, I left and now I'm in San Francisco. I also wanted to try crime fighting again, so I dawned the identity of Red Robin. Not the most original name, but it'll do. I then called Connor and Bart to come San Francisco. Maybe me hanging out with my friends again will get me in a better mood. I hope it does.

VFAces Hope you enjoy this!

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