An Old Foreign Friend

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Superboy's POV
"Why am I here again?" I asked as I walk in the mall with Kara. "Because you need new clothes! You wear the same thing every single day!" she explained, and I just scoffed. I don't need new clothes, especially if Kara is picking them out. As I looked around, I saw someone. She had flawless skin, red hair, emerald green eyes, a nice figure too. Then, I realized who it is "M'gann!"

She turned my way, and stared at me in shock as I walked towards her. "Connor!" she exclaimed and we hugged very tight. I've missed her a lot, and I think she feels the same way. "It's been a while." I said to her "It has! I see you still love the shirt I made you." she stated, and I smiled. I almost forgot she made this for me. One of the reasons I wear this shirt. It's a gift from a very special person

"So, who's your friend?" I heard from behind me, to see Kara with a cheese burger in her hand "Hello Megan! You're Kara, The Supergirl!" M'gann stated, she was always very bright "Hey! Keep your voice to a minimum, okay?" Kara asked, not wanting the entire mall to know her superhero persona. "Sorry. And my names is M'gann, but you can call me Megan if you want!" M'gann introduced herself. "Wanna get something to eat?" I asked, and she nodded. We left Kara to hang for a bit, I know it sounds rude but I'm sure she'll find something to do while we are catching up. This is Kara we're talking about.

We went to the closest restaurant and started catching up with each other. "So, what's life been for you?" I asked as we ate "You know, the usual. I've just been helping Uncle J'onn at the Watchtower. What about you?" she asked "I'm a Teen Titan now. Tim, Bart, and I got a team together and have been helping San Francisco for at least two months now." I explained to her. "That's cool! I'm glad you guys are still good friends." M'gann said, she always cared about all of our friendship. "You know, you could always come join us? You know, like old times." I said, and handed her a communicator "I'm flattered Connor, but I already  have someone-" she stated and immediately stopped after realizing what she said. A new guy...I'm not surprised. "I understand." I said and just put the communicator on the table. "I guess I should go now, got some stuff I gotta do at the tower." I lied "Oh, okay. Well, see you around Connor." she said, and I nodded and walked away.

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