The City Life

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Wonder Girl's POV
I trained in the training room every morning. A warrior must keep their skills at their peak if he or she wants to succeed. But as I was training, I heard "Hey Donna!" behind me. I turned to see it was Kara "What do you want?" I asked, not wanting to be interrupted right now "Wanna hang out today? Catch a movie and get something to eat?" she asked. "I do not have time for that." I said "Oh c'mon! Please Donna! It'll be fun I swear!" Kara begged, and I just sighed and said "Fine." She hugged me and began dragging me out the door so we could 'hang out'. This is going to be a long day.

Supergirl's POV
We first stopped at a pizza shop, because pizza is freakin' amazing! Plus, she had never had pizza before so I had to let her try it once. I ordered just regular cheese pizza just to see how she likes it. We ate, and her eyes widened "This is...delicious!" Donna exclaimed and ate more pizza. Mission accomplished!

We ate our food and talked for a while. She loves to talk about fighting, so I just let her ramble along about it. But then, these two super hot guys came to our table. "Hey pretty ladies, got room for two more?" one of the guys asked, and I looked at Donna. She was steaming with anger! I'm not surprised. Coming from an all female dominate area that shun men, I would be too. "Sorry boys, girls only." I said, knowing how to handle guys like these. Guys like this you to hit on me all the time back in Metropolis. "Oh c'mon! We could talk a while." he said, which meant something totally different. "She says no. So, I'd advise you leave. Now!" Donna demanded, and they gave us a disgusted looked and walked away. "Nice Donna! Total badass!" I stated, and she just smiled and we headed out.

We went to see a movie. A romantic movie I've been waiting for to come out for so long! We went in and started watching. Donna had so many funny things to say in the movie. She had me laughing so hard! For example, there's was a scene where the lady finds out she's being cheating on and begins to cry. Donna leans and ask "Why is she so distraught? I would just cut that feeble mans nether regions off." and I died laughing. She is by far the best person to hang out with!

After the movie, we just left and went back to the tower. When we were about to walk in, Donna surprisingly said "That was nice, Kara. We must do this more often." I was so shocked! And so happy! We are so doing this more! I swear, this is going to be the start of a great friendship.

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