The Founding Father

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Superboy's POV
We got Tim back and patched him up. I haven't seen Tim taken to his limits in a long time, so it shows just how strong this Red Hood character is. We let Tim sleep for a while, but knowing him he'll be up in an hour. The rest of us stayed in the living room and talked about what happened. "We have to stop this crazy man! His dangerous tactics are eventually going to cause a massive devastation." Donna said "This guys crazy strong and smart, plus he seems to have this thing with Tim." Bart stated, and it had me wondering. How did that guy know Tim's name? And what else does he know?

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. What is with this doorbell ringing constantly!? I went down and opened the door, to see a tall man with long black hair, a black and blue face mask, and a black suit with a blue streak going across his chest. I remember who this is though, the original Teen Titan, Nightwing. "Nice to see you again, Con." Nightwing said, and I shook his hand in complete shock. Why on earth is here? "Dick? Its been a while. What brings you here?" I asked "I need to talk to Tim, we have a situation on our hands." he said, so I took him up stairs so these guys can talk it out. One things for certain, it's about the Red Hood.

Red Robin's POV
I had just woken and felt terrible. The battle really took a toll on me. At least I'm still living, which means I can still fight if necessary. "I see you're starting to get your feet wet again, kid." I heard, and I know who's voice that is "Dick." I said, and turned around to see him. I walked up and hugged him and he hugged back "Its been a while, brother." Dick said "Yea, I've been busy." I stated, and we stopped hugging. "Speaking about busy, we need to talk privately." Dick said, and I nodded and we walked to my room. I feel this has something to do with Black Mask men and Red Hood.

"By the way you look, I'm guessing you've run into Red Hood." Dick said, and I nodded "What do you know about him?" I asked him "I know that this guy has a history with Bruce, and somehow knows our secret identities." Dick explained, so this guy vendetta against me is cause of Bruce? "Whatever vendetta he had against all of us, it has to be stopped before more innocent people are killed." I told him "Exactly, which is why I cane back here. I'm here to help you guys take down Red Hood. And trust me, we will!" Dick announced, and I smiled in relief. With our skills including the team, he doesn't stand a chance.

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