A New Leader

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Supergirl's POV
"This is ridiculous!" Donna exclaimed as I painted her nails "C'mon! They're gonna look so pretty when I'm finished!" I told her, which is true! "I am a warrior! I don't have time for pointless nail painting!" she stated, what the hell does being a warrior have to do with this? "You're a warrior who is long overdue for a manicure, now hold still!" I told her, and she did so but was pouting as well. She'll love me when I get done!

Suddenly, the alarm went off. Really!? Of all times to go off, you pick now? Ugh! Me and Donna ran to the living room to see a live feed of a prison riot. At least I thought so until I looked closer "That's Black Mask's men! But, how!?" I asked "No idea, I thought Black Mask kicked the bucket." Bart said, thinking the same thing as all of us. "A better question is why are they attacking a prison?" Connor asked "Maybe to break some guys out." I answerd "No, they're killing the prisoners." Tim explained, and we saw prisoners get shot, stab, and beaten to death by Black Mask men. It was horrifying. "We'll worry about who's leading them later. Right now, we have to help, Titans Go!" Tim exclaimed and we all left to go help the prison.

Superboy's POV
  We made it to the prison and busted in to see Black Mask men killing prisoners left and right. I jumped over to them and grab to by their collars and threw them into a cell hard, knocking them out. Red Robin hit three guys with his staff at once, dazing them long enough for Kid Flash to take them all down. Wonder Girl sliced the guns they were using, giving Supergirl the chance to freeze them in place. We went to the next hall and so on until they were all down for the count. We saved the prison.

Red Robin's POV
We left one of the guys conscious so I could interrogate him. I grabbed him and slammed him on the wall "Who are you working for?!" I asked aggressively "Up yours bird brat! You think you guys are heroes!? You're cowards! We are the true heroes, not you!" he exclaimed, what the hell did that mean? "Dude, I don't know if you notice but you're the bad guy here." Kid Flash told him, and I slammed him on the wall again "I'm not going to ask again!" I told him, starting to lose my patience with him. "Screw you! Red Hood is going to have field day with you! You wait and see!" he said, Red Hood? I punched him in the head and knocked him out. "Red Hood? Got any ideas who that could be?" Superboy asked "No." I said, and looked around at the carnage around us. "But I have a feeling this won't be the last we hear about him."

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