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Supergirl's POV
We flew over to the burning building. Wonder Girl went to the ground and helped all of the people out and away from the building. After they got out, I used my super breath and blow out all of the fire. A few minutes went by, and the fire was all gone. Everyone thanked us, which brightened up my morning a little. Until we flew off, and got shot down by lasers. Wonder Girl got knocked unconscious by it, while I turned to see it is Power Girl "I told you last time to stay out of my way." she said while floating down to me "You know us, we're very stubborn." I said, trying to make a joke out of this situation. "Looks like I'll have to beat that stubbornness out of you." she stated, and cracked her knuckles. Oh, I've been waiting for this! Bring it on!

I flew at her and threw a punch, but she grabbed by fist and punched me hard in the stomach again. I screamed, and she threw me onto another rooftop. I got up and I looked to see her flying towards me. I dodged out the way and shot my lasers at her. She moved out the way and ran quickly over and punched me in my jaw. I flew back, and she then punched me in the face twice, kicked me in the stomach, and then grabbed me by my hair and slammed me into the ground multiple times. "Face it, Supergirl! I'm the better one!" she stated, and grabbed my hair again and threw me into a building hard. Okay, enough is enough! No more holding back! Now you've pissed me off!

I flew at her and grabbed her. I threw in the sky and flew fast enough to continually beat the shit out of her while she's in the air! I then grabbed her and threw her to the ground hard. She slammed into the ground so hard that it left a big hole in the middle of the street. I flew down as she tried to get up and used my lasers on her so she would stay down! I flew down and stood ontop of her "Who's the better one now!?" I exclaimed, completely losing my temper. I then went down and began punching her repeatedly. Over, over,and over! Until, I held my hands together, lifted them up, and slammed them down on her chest as the final blow. I win, you fake!

I got up and began to calm down, when I realized something horrifying. She's not breathing. "No..." I whispered and went down to try to bring her back. However, it didn't work. She is gone, and it's all my fault. I neiled over her corpse, when I heard funs being drawn on me. I looked up to see S.W.A.T soldiers aiming machine guns at me "Freeze Supergirl! Come up with your hands up!" he said, and just flew away. They shot at me, but it didn't affect me at all. But, the death of Power Girl did. I just... I just need time to myself. Sorry guys, but I'm on my own now.

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