The East Return

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Red Robin's POV
I woke up the next day because of a loud knock on my door. I got up, quickly put some pants on, and opened my door to see Connor. "Tim, there's something-" he started, but then looked in my room to see the naked Ravager in my bed "Why is she-?" he started to ask but I interrupted him by saying "Don't ask." "...Anyway, we got a situation." he told me "Alright, I'll be right out." I said, and closed the door so it wouldn't be so awkward anymore. I already know I won't hear the end of this later.

I got dressed and went to the living room to see them watching something on the news. "What's going on?" I asked "Apparently, we're being called out!" Bart stated, and I got in front of him to listen better "Live at downtown San Francisco, three super villians are calling out the New Teen Titans. They are calling themselves the Titans East. A similar name used eight years ago by a group who ended up taking over the city for a day. More this news later on CNN." I had to think for a.minute, but then I put my mask on and said "Titans Go!"

Superboy's POV
We traveled downtown and confronted the three villains that call themselves the Titans East. We saw Harley Quinn, the wife of the damn clown. A kid who kind of looked like Bart, but he had blonde hair and a green suit. Also, theres a guy holding a large cross and is dressed kind of like a preacher.  "There they are!" Harley exclaimed, and I turned to see Red Robin boiling with anger "These guys are the Titans East? They look like a bad circus act!" Kid Flash stated "Watch your mouth kid, or you're gonna get the worse ass kickin' of your life!" Harley exclaimed in rage "What do you want, Harley?" Red Robin asked "Payback bird brat! You got my Puddin' killed! And now you're gonna pay! Titans East, get em'!" Harley shouted, and they began running at us. They just made the worse decisions of their lives!

Me and Red Robin started fighting Harley. Harley ran up and swung her bat st him twice. He dodged the first one, but on the second he grabbed her bat and dropped kicked her. She stumbled into me and I picked her up by her collar. "Give up now, and I won't hurt you." I told her as she was squirming in my hand "I got just the thing for your alien butt!' she shouted, and all of a sudden exploded a smoke grenade in my face. However, it wasn't just regular smoke. It was Kryptonite. I fell to the ground and started coughing heavily "Not so tough now! Are ya?" Harley boasted, but then Red Robin dropped kicked her again. After regaing her composure, she took out a pistol and began shooting at him, but he dodged and punched her twice in the face and then spin kicked her right in the jaw. Making her fall unconscious, with Red Robin saying "That's for what you did to me."

Kid Flash's POV
I ran at this look alike reject and tried punching him, but he dodged very quick and ran to the side quick very fast. He's a speedster? "Bartholomew Allen II, we finally meet." he said, and I looked so shocked when he said my real name "How do you know me?!" I asked "My grandfather told me about you. Does Reverse Flash ring a bell?" he asked, and my eyes widened. He's Thawne's grandson?! "The names Thaddeus Thawne II, but you can call me Inertia." he said with a evil grin on his face. I ran at him again and tried punching him, but he kept dodging and actually caught my fist and punched me hard in the face. Making me fly back on the ground. Fortunately, Supergirl punched him into a car and helped me up. "Dude's rally fast. Use your ice breath!" I told her, and she flew up and started blowing her cold breath on Inertia. After a few moments, he became frozen. I then charged up, ran, and upper cutted him hard as heck! Knocking him straight out. Night night!

Wonder Girl's POV
I battled the man with the cross in his hand. "You dare serve these sinful humans as if you are doing right. I, Kid Crusader, shall judge you as God will judge this world!" he stated, and started shooting electric out of his cross. I reflected it off my braclet and used my lasso to take the cross from him. I then flew up and punched him in the face, making him fall unconscious. Another weakling claiming to be a warrior.

I looked around to see my teaamates defeating the other two, and I just snickered. For warriors who challenged us to battle, a five year old Amazon could do better than them. How sad, but amusing.

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