Beast Boy and Raven

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Red Robin's POV
"Garfield?" I asked, knowing that green skin and tofu loving guy anywhere "No! It's Beast Man!" he said, and did a superhero pose. Yep, he's definitely still the same "You know, that name won't stick." we heard, and saw a girl get up and walk towards Beast Boy. It is his girlfriend, Raven "It'll stick!" Beast Boy exclaimed, and out his arm around Raven. "So, what brings you here?" I asked, and sat down on the couch "We were just in the neighborhood and wanted to hang out at the tower for old times sake." Beast Boy annouced, and I nodded. The team can catch up with them, I need to analyze these files.

Kid Flash's POV
So apparently, Beast Boy decided to pay us a little visit, sweet! Now. I can finally prove just who's the best player! "BB!" I called out to him, and he walked over and hopped on the couch "What's up?" he asked "One on one, Street Fighter, what you say?" I asked, having a very serious look on my face "I say, you're on!" he answered, and we both quickly set up a game and started. He's so going down!

An hour later, we have played two games. He won one, I won the other. We are in the mist of a game to break the tie, and our life bar is both near death. One punch, one more punch and one of us wins it all. We stared at each other in the game, not trying to make the wrong move. I then quickly jabbed at him, but he jumped in the air and kicked me in the head. I lost, no! "Ha! I win! Sorry kid, can't beat a veteran!" he exclaimed and started dancing, damnit! Mark my words BB, I will get my revenge!

Wonder Woman's POV
I know Raven has helped the city before I was even in picture. But, knowing that she is the daughter of Hades' abomination is unsettling. "I'm a go get some food for all of us, I'll be right back." Kara announced, and went to get the food. "You don't like me." she announced, and I looked at her and smirked "I thought you didn't read minds." I said, calling her on her bluff "I didn't, it is written all over your face." Raven told me. "Sorry if I'm uncomfortable being around the spawn of Hades' abomination." I told her, not afraid to tell her how I feel "Understandable, but you must realize that I am not my father." Raven told me, as if I'm suppose to believe that. "Not every demon is evil Donna. Remember that." she said and sat back down to wait for Kara. I just sat in silent, not wanting to deal with the likes of her. Good or not, a demon is a demon. Not to be trusted.

Red Robin's POV
I sat down at my desk and started analyzing the data on the files. I opened one of the files and opened a document going over different superheroes they wanted to clone. Then I saw a document labeled 'Power Girl' "What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, but before I could check it out the alarm went off. I had go check on it, but once I return I'm going to figure out what exactly is a Power Girl.

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