The Real Fight

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Red Robin's POV
We put the three behind bars, and went home laughing. It seemed very odd that they called us out, and really didn't have any means of fighting us. Although, as funny as it is it makes me paranoid as well. Was that really their plan, or are they planning something else that is actually threatening to us? Maybe I'm just paranoid. I'll just leave it alone for now.

A week later, it's late at night and we are all sleeping. Suddenly, the alarm started going off. I put my costume on and so did the others and ran to the living room to see five people standing and facing us. The three we fought a week ago are here, Ravager, and Deathstroke. A mercenary who is professionally trained and has super soldier enhancements. "So, these are the new kids?" Deathstroke asked "Yes Father." Ravager answered, and I finally realized. Damnit! Rose as in Rose Wilson, Deathstroke's daughter. Why didn't I notice before!? "How the hell did you get in here!?" Superboy asked in rage "Rose got them in. She's been working for them the whole time." I answered for her, understanding what's going on. "Smart boy. Titans East, attack!" Deathstroke ordered, and the real fight began.

Superboy's POV
  I ran up and swung at Harley, but she jumped over and gassed me with Kryptonite again. I fell to my kners coughing just like last time, and she kicked me in the stomach which made me fall over. She then towered over me with a bat and said "Face it Super Brat! You can't handle a woman like me!" and hit me hard with the bat
Knocking me unconscious.

Kid Flash's POV
I ran up and tried punching Inertia, but for the love of God they're not landing! "You may be Barry Allen's grandson, but your no where near as fast as him." Inertia stated and punched me ten times in the face hard in about three seconds. I fell to the ground, with my nose bleeding and Inertia hovering over me. He just waved at me goodbye, and kicked me hard in the face. Knocking me out.

Supergirl's POV
I flew towards and punched him into a wall. "You picked the wrong night to mess with us!" I exclaimed in anger, and he got up and aimed his cross at me. Knowing it wouldn't hurt me, I began walking towards me. He then shot, and the electricity actually hurt worse than expected and made me drop to the floor in a lot of pain. He then walked towards me and stood there "I believe this is called, Kryptonite.  Foolish alien, the power of Christ compels you. And now, you shall face judgment!" he said, and blasted me again with Kryptonite powered cross. I screamed in pain, and then fell unconscious.

Wonder Girl's POV
I went up to face Ravager. She looks to be a valuable warrior to fight. She took out her sword, and I took out mine.  I ran at her and our swords clashed. I jumped back and we clashed our swords time after time. Our swords skills are matched. Suddenly, Ravager head butted me in the face super kicked me in the face. I growled in anger, and we started trading power blows to one another. But then, he took out her pistol and shot me in the foot. I screamed in pain and dropped to my knees "I guess I'm the superior warrior." Ravager boasted, and pistol whipped me. Laying me out unconscious.

Red Robin's POV
I went against Deathstroke. I heard stories from Dick and Bruce that he's a very skilled fighter, so I had to be on my toes. I swung at him, but he blocked and swung back harder. I blocked, but it hurt like hell. "Just as I thought." he started and punched me right in the mouth. The punch made my lip bleed, and in rage I ran and tried high kicking him but he threw me out the air and pick me up by the neck "You're weak." he stated, and threw me against the wall hard. I looked around to see my team defeated. "Should we kill the little bastards?" Harley asked "No. Let's leave them alive. It'll be more fun in the long run." Deathstroke stated and they all left the tower. Leaving us defeated for the first time.

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