An Alien Beetle

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Kid Flash's POV
Since Tim went to chill back home for a few days, I should take this chance and start having some fun! One fun thing I got in mind is going to El Paso! It's a place in Texas which is rumored to have one of the best tacos in the country. Tacos are so good! I gotta see if this is the real deal!

When the morning finally shined, I got up, brush my teeth, washed myself, and ran all the way to El Paso. When I got to the taco shop, I switched back into my regular attire and went into the shop. I sat down and a waitress came over to me "¿Qué te gustaría comer?" the waitress said, and then I ran into a problem. I can't speak Spanish. Damnit Bart! "Um..." I said, not knowing what to say or do "She asked what do you want to eat." I heard next to me, and turned to see a guy about sixteen year old, tall and skinny, tan skin with black silk hair. "Oh, well can you tell can I just have a regular taco?" I asked him "que quiere un taco regulares." he said, and she nodded and went to the back. "Thanks man!" I exclaimed, very glad he helped me out "No biggie, amigo. You must be new in town." he said "Yea, I came here cause I heard you guys have great tacos!" I told him, and he laughed and said "Yea, lots of people cone here because of that."

We got our food and are it while getting to know each other. The guys name is Jaime, he's a real cool guy! All of a sudden, we saw a bunch of cops going down the street. "I gotta go." Jaime stated "Same." I said and we both walked out of the taco shop. I went to a back alley and changed into Kid Flash. I then ran to where the cops are, to see the cops in shoot out with seems to be cartel members. As soon as I was about to run up and help them, I saw my worse nightmare. A man with some type of blue suit flying above me. I know exactly who that is, the alien that destroyed my world, the scarab.

How can he be here? They couldn't have come looking for me from my future! Could they? All of a sudden, he started attacking the cartel and helping the police. I couldn't move, I was stunned in fear. He's helping...but I know them! I know their ways! They can't be trusted! Any of them!

The blue scarad helped the police, and then tried to fly off. Oh no you don't! I ran up a building and tackled him out the air and into a alley way. We both got up, and he aimed his arm canons at me and asked "Yo! What's your problem?!" "I want your name! Now!" I asked, wanting to know who's under that alien devil of a suit. "The name's Blue Beetle, amigo. Now step off!" he said, and then it hit me. Amigo? The way he said it sounds like... "Jaime!? Is that you?" I asked, and he puts his canons down in shock "What? H-How'd you know that!?" he asked, and I took off my mask and revealed who I am "Bart? You're Kid Flssh?!" he asked "Yea, I guess we both have some secrets." I said, still not fully letting my guard down. I then handed him a Titans Communicator "Call me if you ever need some help, or if you need someone to hang with." I told him, and he nodded. I then ran off, making sure I have a way to keep an eye on him. The Reach won't take this world! Not again!

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