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Red Robin's POV
I waited outside of the Titans Tower for everyone. I was able to hack the door open, the system is about eight years old and easy to get through. All of a sudden, I turned around to see something running across the water. I know exactly who that is, Bart. He finally arrived, and I never seen him smile so hard "Tim!" Bart exclaimed and ran up and hugged me so tight. I snickered a little and hugged back "Nice to see you too, Bart." I told him, and we stopped so he could get a good look at me "Dude, I gotta say, I'm diggin' the new suit!" Bart stated "Thanks, I designed it myself." I told him, and we just spent the rest of the time catching up, it was like we never left.

Superboy's POV
Kara and I got closer to the tower. We could see two people talking down there, and I knee exactly who they erer. We landed, and both Tim and Bart looked at us. "Guys." I said, and just smiled while walking towards them "Con!" Bart exclaimed and ran at me to hug me "How you doin' big guy?!" he asked, excited to see me again "I've been fine Bart, glad to see your in one peace." I said, and he let go so I could walk to Tim. He looked different, more mature, maybe it was cause of the new suit. "Been a while, Connor." Tim said, and we both smiled and hugged each other tight. After all this time, our friendship is still strong as ever. More importantly, it's good to see him in his right mind again.

  "Con! Who's she?" I heard Bart asked, and turned around to see him pointing at Kara "That's Kara, Superman's cousin." I introduced, and Bart's jaw dropped "Whoa! You're Supergirl!" he realized, and she started. She doesn't like admitting it, but she loves the attention. "Yep, nice to meet you Kid Flash." she said, and Bart ran next to her and wrapped his arm around her saying "You can call me Bart." Oh jeez.

Wonder Girl's POV
I arrived to this T like structure, and saw four people standing around. I landed, and they all looked at me very strange. "Another pretty girl!? This must be my lucky day!" Bart stated and ran over to her "So what's your name, lovely?" Bart asked, and I quickly took out my sword and put it to his neck "You shall address me as Wonder Girl!" I told him, and he ran very quickly to his friends. This must be The Flash's partner, Kid Flash. "Relax Donna, you're around friends." Tim told me, but I did not wish to be around friends. I want to be around warriors! But for now, I'll play their game of friendship.

Red Robin's POV
After calming Donna down, my alert started going off. I looked on my arm, where I had it set up, and saw that there was a crime going on downtown. "There's trouble going on downtown, you guys wanna come?" I asked "I'm always ready to take down baddies!" Kid Flash exclaimed "I'll go. Might as well show these guys a true badass!" Kara stated, ready for a fight "I'm in, I'll show them what an Amazon warrior is capable of!" Donna said, readying her armor and weaponry. Connor than put his hands on my shoulder an asked "We're ready Tim, but are you ready?" I had to think for a moment, but then told him "I'm ready, let's go!"

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