Donna Troy

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Wonder Girl's POV
Hard work. Determination. Toughness. Those are the words to describe my path to becoming the infamous Wonder Girl, Wonder Woman's trusted sidekick. As the younger sister of Wonder Woman, I put myself on a pedestal to be the best. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I should explain my troubled past.

It all started when I was trapped in a burning building. I couldn't get out, until Wonder Woman came and rescued me from the flaming building. She tried to find me a home, but she just decided to take me back to Paradise Island on Themyscira. I was then raised as the Amazon's, and classified as Diana's younger sister.

Later in my life, Themyscira held a tournament that were only allowed for thirteen to eighteen year olds to enter. The winner would be crowned the first Wonder Girl. Seeing that Wonder Woman is my sister, I believed I deserved this position. So, I trained beyond belief and worked my way up to finally win the tournament. I was given my Amazonian powers and given my newly customized armor. Now, I get to represent Themyscira with my sister.

Unfortunately, being Wonder Girl wasn't as interesting as I intended it to be. I just stayed in the Watch Tower as Diana and the rest of Justice League went on missions. Even after winning the tournament, she didn't think I was ready for real battle. How insulting! Eight months in this retched vessel to await my turn like a child! But then, I received a call from the former sidekick of Batman, Tim, and asked to come to San Francisco to be apart of a special team. In my circumstances, I had no choice but to take this opportunity and go to see what this special team is made of.

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