Chapter 1

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Niall's POV:

I attempted to sweep the floor as my youngest daughter Melia, who was three, ran up to me.

"Daddy, daddy!" I turned away from the broom and tiredly smiled down at her.

"Yes sweetie?" She smiled up at me and began to giggle.

"I just want a hug." She then threw her tiny arms around me as she smiled into my leg. I leaned the broom against the wall and bent down to her height.

"I needed just a hug, thank you." I said as I pulled her into my arms. For being three she knew quite a bit and could almost count to twenty which I thought was pretty good. Some things she could say better than others. She pulled away from me and giggled before running off. I smiled to myself and resumed what I was doing.

A little while later I heard a vehicle outside. Melia bolted through the house laughing as she climbed up on the couch. Her smile faded as she saw it was just the bus dropping off her three older siblings.

"Daddy, when does dad get home?" I sucked in a breath. Ever since we got her my husband never seems to have time for any of us anymore. He says he has to work more but I don't see why. We both had so much money from being in One Direction for such a long time that neither one of us would have to work another day in our lives and we would still be overwhelmed with the amount we have.

"I don't know baby." She gave me a sad smile but seemed to forget about it as soon as the door opened and my other little girl ran up to me. Audrea, who had recently turned five, just got out of her first day of Kindergarten. She ran up to me and wrapped me up in her arms and smiled. She then pulled away and began to dig through her backpack.

As she did that I looked up at my sons. Connor, who was the oldest at fifteen stood typing on his phone.

"Hey, Con. How was school?" He looked up at me and said a small 'fine.' I nodded and looked down at Tate who was tapping my side.

"Yes, Tate?" I asked him.

"Dad when's dinner? I'm hungry." I smiled at him.

"I will start it up in just a minute okay?" He nodded and then scurried away to who knows where. Audrea had finally found what she was looking for as she ripped it from her bag.

"Look daddy. I made this for you today." I took the paper from her and looked at it. It had the word 'Family' wrote across in, who I was guessing was the teachers writing since I knew she couldn't write that well. On the bottom was a drawing of all of us. There was one labeled 'daddy' and another three labeled with her siblings names. Then there was one with 'me' wrote above. My face dropped.

"You don't like it?" I shook my head.

"It is wonderful but... Where's your dad?" She looked at me weirdly.

"Who?" My mouth dropped as I realized she never really got to know who Louis was. He had gone away just as she began to remember things and people.

"No one sweetheart." She smiled and took off to the toy room with Melia right behind her. Connor looked at me sadly as I rubbed my eyes.

"I can make dinner tonight if you want." I quickly shook my head.

"No I can get it." I started to walk to the kitchen and knew he was following behind me.

"I'm guessing he won't join us again tonight." He muttered. I don't think I was supposed to hear it. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath in. I took the picture that Audrea drew and placed it under a magnet on the fridge. I then opened it and looked through. I decided on just making spaghetti since it is quick and easy.

I stood stirring the sauce and went to open to cupboard to get out plates but Connor stood from the table.

"I got it." I went to protest but the look he gave me said that he would do it anyway. So I lightly sighed and continued to stir. I watched as he took the plates and counted them. Five. He didn't expect Louis to show up and honestly, I didn't either at this point.

The pasta was already done and sat on the table as I turned the burner off. I carried the pot of sauce over to the table and began to make the three younger kids plates. Once I was done I held my hand out to Connor he stared at me but gave in and let me make his plate too.

"Dinner!" I yelled and listened as many little thumps could be heard. I chuckled as they all raced to sit in their seats and begin eating. I put a small portion on my plate with some sauce.

"Daddy!" I turned to Audrea.

"Yes munchkin?" She poked around with her princess fork.

"You forgot the meatballs." My face paled as I looked at everything. I did forget them.

"And our drinks." Melia said as she giggled and took a bite of her food. I sighed and went to walk back through to the kitchen.

"I'll help." Connor stood up and followed me.

"You don't have to help me Connor I got this." Without looking at me he simply said "you can't do it alone." I took a deep breath again.

"I'm not. Your dad-"

"Is never here. You're the one who cooks and cleans and takes us places. You need a little help every now and then." I looked over at him and went to say something but realized that he had already turned away and was walking with four drinks back to the table. I put my head in my hands and let a few tears slip out. He was right and I couldn't argue but I just didn't want it to be true. I wanted Louis to come home and hug me and say he loved me and that he wouldn't leave again. But I would be foolish to think that. I knew better than to hope that he would be back tonight.

So I rubbed my eyes clear of the water and walked back to the dining room. I looked around me at my four kids and smiled. As long as I had them everything would be okay, right?

Word Count: 1150

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