Chapter 12

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Niall's POV:

I woke up with a little girl laying next to me. I jumped back out of fear and looked at her.

"Audrea. What are you doing up so early?" She shrugged and made circles with her finger on the comforter.

"Connor slammed his bedroom door and it woke me up." I nodded and rubbed her arm.

"That's okay though. Did you sleep well?" She nodded quickly.

"Can we eat breakfast now please?" I chuckled and stood up.

"Yea just let me get a shower really quick." I pulled out clean clothes as my daughter sat on the bed watching me.

"May I help you?" I asked politely when I turned back around and she giggled.

"Um... Where is that guy at that was here yesterday?" My eyes widened. Louis left again?

"I'm not sure. But he will be back soon." I smiled at her as she looked down sadly.

"What's wrong?" I bent down so that I was at her level.

"You never have time for me anymore. You're always with Melia." My heart broke in two when I realized I spent all my time with the youngest. I had three other kids, not just her.

"I promise I will spent a lot of time with you today. Okay?" She nodded at me and crawled to the edge of the bed to give me a hug.

"I love you, daddy." I hugged her back and smiled.

"I love you, Audrea." When we pulled away I gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked to the bathroom. Quickly and as quietly as possible I got cleaned off and dressed. I came out and called for Audrea who was sitting at the end of the hall with a bunch of dolls around her. I motioned for her to come to me. She grabbed her favorite doll and ran down the hall to me. I picked her up and turned her around before sitting her in the sink facing the mirror.

"How would you like your hair today?" She smiled at me.

"Curly!" Audrea gave me the toothiest grin possible as I reached down to get the curler. Me and her talked as it heated up and once the light went out I knew it was ready. I stood a little to the side and started to wrap a small part of her hair in it.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Yea sweetie?" She looked down at her doll.

"Uhm." I looked at her through the mirror causing her to giggle.

"Why did he run away yesterday?" I knew she was talking about Connor leaving dinner but I honestly didn't have an answer.

"I don't know pumpkin." She looked at me sadly.

"Oh." Our conversation ended there as I continued to do her hair. Once I was finished I gave her a small kiss and sat her down on the floor. I picked up the hairspray and looked down at her.

"Stand still. Mouth closed." I covered her eyes with my hand and she wrapped her tiny fingers around mine. I smiled lovingly at her as I sprayed her hair. Once it had enough spray in to hold it for a few hours I removed my hand.

"BREAKFAST!!" She screamed and ran down the hall to the kitchen. I laughed and unplugged the iron and turned the light off before following her.

As I walked into the kitchen she had a chair pushed against the counter with her using it as a step stool. She stood on the counter, in her hands she had a box of pop tarts.

"Whoa, Audrea what are you doing?" I quickly ran to her and picked her up and sat her down on the ground. I then pushed the chair over to the dining table.

"Pop tart!" She showed me the box and smiled.

"Alright. Do you want them warmed up?" She looked at me for a moment before nodding.

"Alrighty." I took the box from her and pulled one package out and laid it on the counter before putting the rest back where they were. I walked over to a cupboard and pulled out the toaster, plugging it in. I ripped the wrapper off of the food and stuck them in pushing the handle down.

"Dad!" I turned around and saw Tate walking in.

"Yea?" He played with the bottom of his shirt.

"I heard a thump come from Connor's room but I don't know what it was." My eyes widened a little.

"Okay I'll check on him in a minute. Do you want anything for breakfast?" He nodded.

"Yea but I'm just going to have cereal." He walked around the kitchen collecting everything for it. I heard a loud noise coming from upstairs that made all three of us jump.

"Tate when the pop tarts are done rip them in half down the middle and give them to Audrea please." I said before running upstairs. I was walking to his room when a door opened and Melia walked out with tears streaming down her face.

"Hey shh shh." I took her into my arms and held her in my chest as she wailed.

"What's wrong?" She shook her head.

"Connor's scaring me." I rubbed her back.

"Hey its okay. Go downstairs and I'll check on him alright?" She nodded and wiped her eyes before slowly walking away. Once she was gone I continued down the hall and bit my lip as another crash was heard.

I grabbed the handle and twisted it but the door didn't open.

"Connor?" A soft sob was heard with silence after it.

"Go away." I shook my head.

"No. I want to help." I heard a loud crack noise making me jump. It seemed to rattle through my ears as I couldn't help him. Hell, I don't even know what's going on.

"Connor, open this damn door!" I started to violently shake it but it didn't work. I shook my head and cussed as I walked away and downstairs. I walked through the house to the garage. I don't use it often except for in the winter to keep my car warm but I do have things laying around. After searching for about a minute I finally found a flat screwdriver. I picked it up and sprinted back into the house.

I walked back through the house and yelled "Tate! Call Harry or Zayn and tell them to get their ass over here fast!" As I was walking I noticed he had one of our older songs playing. How did he find the CD? Why was he listening to Where Do Broken Hearts Go? I began running until I was in front of his door again. I shoved it into the lock and used all my strength to try and undo it.

"Connor! Please let me in!" I kept working and got scared when there was no answer. I stepped back and looked at it.

"Fuck!" I bent down and sat on top of my feet while rubbing my head.

"Fucking open." I stood up and tried again. This time I somehow jiggled whatever was holding it shut away. I grabbed the handle and turned it. When I walked into his room I gasped and fell to my knees.

Word Count: 1234

When will I ever write something that is happy? Lol

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