Chapter 36

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Niall's POV:

After our little make out session in the woods we started to walk again. He took me into this little clearing area that had a huge lake not too far from a blanket with a picnic basket laid out on top of it.

He guided me over to it while holding my hand. He never once let go of it which made me feel jittery inside. We sat down with my right knee touching his left and our hands still touching.

"Thank you for all of this." I said softly.

"Anything for you." We took out sandwiches and chips. He said he wanted to pack fruit but couldn't find any that was that fresh since it is winter. It was challenging to try and eat with one hand but was definitely worth it.

"Louis can-" I stopped talking when his phone buzzed. We both sucked in our lips and waited for his ringtone to finish.

"Sorry, babe. What were you going to say?" I started again but got cut off by my phone ringing. I immediately thought about the kids and dug my phone out of my pocket.

"Do you know this number?" I held my phone to him and he shook his head.

"Should I answer?" I asked and he shrugged.

"If they call back then yea go ahead and answer." I sat my phone down on the blanket and turned to him.

"Okay." I sat looking at him but couldn't help leaning towards him and kissing him again. No matter how many times we kiss I will never get over the feeling his lips on mine give me. We had to break away when his phone went off again. He pulled away and cursed under his breath as he held it up.

"Its the same number that called you." He hit answer and put it on speaker as he held the phone between us.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hello sir. Is this Louis or Niall Tomlinson-Horan?" He looked over at me.

"Yea this is Louis and Niall is right next to me. May I ask who is calling?" We could hear the guy take a deep breath before talking.

"This is Mr. Howell from Love and Health Adoption Center. I was told to hunt down the family that had adopted a little girl named Melia. I had tracked it back to you two. Is it true that you are the fathers of that little girl?" I felt my heart drop. Why would they be calling about her?

"Yea we adopted her." Louis said.

"Good now it had came to my attention that you two also have three other kids. Is that correct?" I turned to the phone and began to speak to him.

"Yea we have Connor, Tate, Audrea and Melia. But may I ask why you are calling about her specificly?"

"Well it seems that her mother has had a little boy a week or two ago. She once again dropped another kid off at our center and since you took her we thought that you'd like her blood brother as well. But since you guys already have a full household you don't have to take him. We could find another family." I looked at Louis with wide eyes and started nodding.

"Okay we can't promise anything right now because we need to talk to the other kids about it and switch around their bedrooms and everything but we will definitely consider adopting him." Louis said as I stood up and covered my mouth with my hands to try and hide my smile.

"Okay thank you Mr. Tomlinson-Horan. Call us back within the week. After that we will start to try and find a different family for him."

"Okay thank you for telling us about him."

"You're welcome. I have to go now but have a nice evening."

"Thanks you too." He hung up and looked at me. I removed my hands and screamed while jumping around.

"Whoa Niall calm down." He laughed but stood up and walked over to me.

"We have to adopt him!" I yelled but Louis frowned.

"Niall we already have four kids. Even with me here helping out it is going to be a lot of work with a newborn baby." I shook my head.

"But he will grow up fast. We can try to potty train him early." He laughed at me and shook his head.

"What?" I chirped and he stood up on his tippy toes to kiss my forehead.

"I just love you so much."

"I love you more." I said confidently.

"Niall I have to ask you something." I nodded and let him take both my hands into his and link our fingers together.

"I know I have made so many mistakes. I've hurt you and our kids and should not be forgiven but you did. You forgave me for things you shouldn't have and I will forever be greatful for that. We have had so many amazing years together and have four kids. Before we even talk anymore about adopting Melia's brother I want us to officially be back together." He pulled his hands away and took out a box from his pocket. He opened it and inside was both of our wedding rings.

"I would get down on one knee but I've done that before. So this time I'm getting down on both." He did as he said and got down on two knees in front of me.

"I love you Niall. Please, marry me again?" I rubbed my fingers underneath my eyes and nodded. He stood up and slipped my ring back onto my finger. I finally felt at ease having it back in its place.

Three and a half hours later me and Louis sat around our dining table with all four kids.

"We have news for you guys." I said and they all looked between us. But only Connor pointed something out.

"You guys are wearing your rings again." I looked down at mine and smiled.

"Yea but that's not it." Louis leaned towards the table and crossed his arms.

"We got an important call today." He said and I looked around at the four kids.

"Apparently Melia's birth mom had a little boy but gave him up for adoption as well. He is only about two weeks old and doesn't have anyone. So how would you guys feel about having another sibling?" Connor and Tate scrunched their noses up while Audrea and Melia looked confused.

"Two weeks old? As in still in diapers and will cry during the night?" Tate asked and I nodded.

"Yea but he will grow up fast." I said quickly.

"I'm okay with another sibling as long as I don't have to babysit all of them at once." Connor stated making Tate reach over and slap him on the arm.

"Hey I can take care of myself." Connor laughed and reached over to hit him back.

"Yea right I taught you how to use a spoon so keep talking about how much you don't need me." Tate crossed his arms and grumbled which caused everyone to laugh.

"I won't be the little one anymore?" Melia asked sweetly and we all shook our heads. She began to cry so Louis scooped her up.

"Hey it's okay. We will still love you the same." He said and she stopped right away.

"Really?" He nodded at her so she smiled and climbed out of his grip.

"Audrea we'll have a little brother!". Audrea giggled at her sister.

"So everyone is okay if we adopt him?" They all nodded.

"What day are you planning on getting him?" I pulled out my phone and checked the date.

"We could go up and pick him up on Thursday since it is new years and then have him settled in with us before the new year." Everyone nodded and began smiling at the thought of a new addition to the family.

"We should go and move some rooms around then." Louis said and I sighed dramatically but stood up.

"Alright let's go."

Word Count: 1353

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