Chapter 38

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Connor's POV

"Oh Troye is here bye guys!" I ran over to the door while waving to them. I love my family so much but I was so excited to see my boyfriend.

"Connor wait." I turned around and saw Louis walk up to me. He shoved his hand down into his pocket and left it there a moment.

"Alright hold your hand out." I rolled my eyebrows up but did as told. He removed his hand and placed something into mine before he drew it back. I looked down at the object and dropped it when I saw it was a condom.

"Oh whoa boy you're not allowed to be driving around with your boyfriend if you guys don't have protection." I rolled my eyes and looked behind me to see Troye sitting in his car waiting for me.

"Louis I don't think we would do that kind of stuff yet." He chuckled and picked it back up and handed it to me again.

"Maybe not but it is still better to be safe then pregnant." I gasped and looked around at everything but him as he crossed his arms in triumph when I put it in my pocket.

"But we are both boys. Neither of us can get pregnant." He shrugged and reached around to open the door.

"See though? You didn't deny you guys doing it. Also you know I don't actually care if you and Troye do have sex. Just don't tell Niall or he would definitely flip. We'd keep it between us." He winked to me teasingly as I squealed and ran down the driveway and haistly jumped into the passengers seat. Troye looked over at me with big eyes and sat his phone down.

"Whoa what's with the hurry Connie?" I looked back to the house and saw Niall and Louis waving to us. Both me and Troye waved back as he bagan to back the car out.

"Louis was making things awkward and I had to get out of there." Troye chuckled and began to drive towards the office.

"How was he making it awkward exactly?" I signed and reached to my pocket to pull out the package. His eyes bulged out and heat rose into his cheeks.

"I mean. I see show he could've made it awkward but like... We could use it after if you'd like." I gasped and reached over to pull at one of his curls.

"Ow Connor! I was just kidding." I sighed and leaned back in my seat as I heard him mutter 'maybe' under his breath. We both glanced to each other at the same time as smiles broke out on our faces. I dropped it down into the cup holder and sighed.

The rest of the ride was silent between us but we did have music on in the background. I had played with Troye's right hand the whole time he drove which did calm my nerves slightly. Once he pulled into the parking lot and put the car in park I began to shake. He quickly unbuckled and climbed over to sit in my lap like a baby.

"Its alright Connor. They are going to help and fix you all up. There isn't anything to worry about. You'll be fine I will be right out here when you are finished." I slowly nodded but still stared down at his shirt. He lifted my head up so that I was looking him in the eyes.

"Listen up babe. You're going to be fine. There is nothing to fear. And if this specific one turns out to be a fucking bitch then I'll get you a new one. But she did help your dad out when he was younger so I don't think you have anything to worry about." I nodded and leaned my forehead against his and closed my eyes. He held me a few more moments before pulling away.

"You should go in now or you'll be late." I opened my mouth to think of an excuse but soon closed it and nodded instead. He smiled comfortingly at me and leaned close to kiss me for a moment before opening my door and sliding back to his seat. I looked at him for a moment longer than needed and stepped out onto the pavement. My feet carried me into the building as I walked up to the secretary.

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