Chapter 4

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Niall's POV:

I kicked small rocks and pebbles the whole way to the park. It was nice to finally have some time alone. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything but it is nice to rewind and think about things. I continued to walk with my head down until I got to the park. I sat on a swing and began to move a it little bit.

The sun was almost down so nearly everyone had left the park to go home. I put my arms around me as my stomach grumbled. I had just realized that I didn't eat l. dinner. All I had today was a burger for lunch. I thought about not eating but I knew that my kids needed someone so that they won't end up back in the shitty orphanage. Every kid deserves a good and real home with at least one parent. For those four, I'm the parent.

So I stood up from the swing and walked back home. When I stood in front of the door I heard yelling inside. I panicked and threw the door open. Inside Louis turned to face me.

"Niall! Where the hell were you!" My mouth dropped.

"Were the hell was I? Where the fuck have you been!" I screamed at him. "You can't just leave me!"

He walked towards me and stood on the other side of the table. His face was red and it looked like he was going to explode. "I had to work." He spat at me.

"24/7? Nice try now where were you at, really?" His expression grew angrier.

"I was at work." He attempted to say it as calmly as possible but had venom laced in with it.

"Someone told me that you were out with a girl. Is that true?" His mouth seemed to drop but he picked it up again.

"She is a patient of mine of course I was with her!"

"But why are you with her instead of your family?!" He took a step back and bent his index fingers to press them against the sides of his forehead.

"Because she needs me."

"We need you here more!" Connor yelled as he ran into the room and stopped next to me. He stood with his arms crossed as he glared at Louis.

"Connor, please stay out of this." I said but he shook his head.

"No dad it isn't fair what he is doing to you." Kennedy and Troye were attempting to hold back Tate, Audrea, Darcy and Melia but of course Audrea wiggled out and ran over to me.

"Daddy stop fighting I don't like when you yell!" She kept pulling my pant leg but I wouldn't pick her up.

"Audrea, sweetie, please go back to Kennedy." She shook her head and turned to Louis. She looked back at me and whispered 'who is that' to me. I covered my mouth and shook my head.

"Harry, please just-" He nodded and walked over taking Audrea away from me. He turned to Kennedy and nodded his head to the door. She nodded and grabbed Darcy and Melia's hands pulling them outside. Troye had walked Tate out so now it was just Connor, Louis and I.

"Niall I-" Louis began to walk towards me but Connor put his hands onto his chest and held him in place. Louis gave him a mad look.

"No, Louis." He stated. "You can't keep hurting Niall."

"What did you say my first name instead of dad?" Connor laughed and shook his head.

"You are no father to me. You aren't even wearing your ring." He then pulled away and pulled out the packet from his back pocket. It was a little rolled up but Connor just threw it onto the table in-between me and Louis. He ignored both of us as he turned and walked out. Louis glared at me.

"Why are you turning my kids against me!" I looked at him with a dumb look.

"You are never here! They don't even know who you are just look at Audrea's family drawing!" I pointed to the picture hanging on the fridge. He took a moment to look at it and sniffled when she only put Horan as her last name. I looked at his hands that covered his face to see that Connor was right.

"Where is your ring at, Louis?" My voice broke and cracked but I forced the words out of my mouth. He mumbled something into his hands and I glared at him.

"Speak up!" I yelled as he shook and pulled his hands from his face.

"I took it off." I dropped down on the ground and began to sob.

"Why?" He rubbed his face and looked down at me.

"I was going to put it back on before I came in but forgot." I looked at my own ring and moved it around.

"So you're lying to me?" He shook his head.

"But you don't love me anymore." He shook his head at me again and bent down next to me.

"No baby I love you so so much." He wrapped his arms around me and held me to him. I continued to look at my ring and wonder what I did wrong. Where did our love go?

"Then why are you never here?" He held me close to him and began to rock us back and forth.

"I don't know." He pulled away and forced me to look at him.

"But I promise that I will be here to help out more okay?" I nodded and watched as he leaned in to kiss me. I gladly accepted and wrapped my arms around his neck while laying down onto the floor. He climbed on top of me and continued to move his lips on mine. His hand slipped up under my shirt and began to run around the skin there. I smiled into the kiss and giggled which caused him to pull away.

"What?" He giggled along with me.

"I love you so much, Lou." His smiled seemed to grow a little more.

"I love you so much too, babe." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine for a second longer.

"Do you want to do anything?" I smiled at him.

"What do you have in mind?" He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine forcefully.

"I think you already know." I smiled against his skin as he pulled me up from the ground.

"I miss this." I said sadly as he turned to me.

"I do too." He reached his hand out to me and I took it. He then led me to our room with the divorce papers forgotten about.

Word Count: 1127

Thank you guys so much for reading my book! Also, if you haven't checked them out yet I do have a One- Shot book up on my account as well!

Which miiiiiight have a new chapter going up in a couple minutes. *wink* *wink*

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