Chapter 5

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WARNING: Mentions of self harm and eating disorders. If this will trigger you then please DO NOT read! I love you guys so much if you ever need anything just inbox me and I'll get back as soon as I can! Enjoy xx

Connor's POV:

After we left our house we could still hear them yelling at each other. It pained me so much to see Niall getting treated like that. He was always so caring and gave up everything for us kids while Louis gave us up completely. It's like we don't exist to him anymore. I remember when they first got me and they were always so happy and smiling. I will admit, I didn't treat either of them very well since I hated having two dads but now it's like I only have one anyway.

I sighed and leaned against the window in the car while Melia, Audrea and Darcy all talked to each other. Troye was sat next to me and seemed like he wanted to start up a conversation but didn't know how to. I didn't know how to either though so it is understandable. Since Darcy was five her and Audrea always sat and chatted about nothing together. It was cute sometimes but right now I wished they would fall asleep like Tate did.

"Harry?" He hummed to me since he was driving.

"Can you put some music on please?" He nodded and clicked on the radio.

"Thank you." He nodded and reached over to take Kennedy's hand in his. I sighed and wished that Niall could have something like that. He is just too nice and forgiving though.

We finally pulled up to their house and I unbuckled me and my sleeping sisters.

"Where do you want me to put them?" Harry waved his hand.

"You can put them in Darcy's room." I nodded and scooped up Melia while Troye moved over and picked up Audrea. We carried them into the house and straight to Darcy's room. We both laid the girls on the bed as Kennedy carried in Darcy. She laid her daughter next to my sisters and turned to me as Troye walked out of the room. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me into her.

"You are such a good kid." I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her.

"You are a good mom and aunt." She pulled away from me and ruffled my hair.

"I'm guessing you did but, did you eat dinner?" I nodded at her as we walked out of the room.

"We all ate except for dad." I looked down at my feet.

"He didn't eat breakfast this morning either. He might not have ate anything today." Kennedy turned to me with a shocked face.

"I will text him to tell him to eat something." I nodded and quietly followed her to the dining room. Harry had brought in Tate who was now sleeping in their guest room.

I sat down at their dinner table and put my head in my hands. I let my tears begin to fall. Is it wrong that I hope they break up?

I suddenly felt someone lay their hand on my shoulder. I jumped at first but left it be.

"Connor. It's alright you can let it out." I shook my head and wiped my tears away.

"Why can't they break up? Louis is never there anyway so it won't change our family at all except that dad might be able to find someone who actually loves him." Harry shook his head and brought me over into his arms. Even though I'm a fifteen year old boy I still need comfort at times.

"Believe me Louis does love him. They have been through a lot together."

"If he loved Niall then he wouldn't leave all the time. He wouldn't be spending time with a girl instead of his family." Harry held me tighter to him.

Since We Were 18 ⭐Nouis⭐Where stories live. Discover now