Chapter 2

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Early update because I have the time to update early.

Niall's POV:

I woke up the next morning surrounded by three kids. I yawned and looked over at my alarm clock. I saw that I still had five minutes before it went off so I closed my eyes again.

When I reopened them all the kids were gone so I stretched my limbs and rubbed my eyes. When I sat up I looked around at the room. I had been so busy keeping the rest of the house clean that I didn't realize that my bedroom was a mess. My clothes were all over the floor, the stands needed dusting and it overall just needed organized. I took note to do that at some point and looked over at my alarm clock. I gasped and jumped up, turning to the dresser. I pulled out any pair of jeans along with a plain black shirt. I pulled off my gym shorts and tank top to put on the new clothes. I then hurriedly pulled on my socks along with any pair of shoes that were close to me. I started to shake from how nervous I was. Why did I close my eyes again? I should've just gotten up. Now my kids are going to be late to school.

I pushed open all of their bedroom doors to find them completely empty.

"AUDREA, CONNOR, MELIA, TATE!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I ended up turning the corner of the kitchen to see all of them sitting at the table, fully dressed and hair done, eating toast. I put my hand over my heart and started to try to breathe normal again.

"Why.. How..?" Connor smiled.

"I got up a little earlier today and got ready so that I could have them ready by the time you would be waking up." I glared at him.

"What time did you go to bed?" He smirked before shrugging.

"Half an hour early." I shook my head and sat down next to Audrea. I turned to her and smiled.

"Your brother is crazy." I then looked up at him. Connor smiled and nodded as he continued to eat. As we all stood up to leave, Connor turned to me and gave me a weird look.

"You're not going to eat?" I thought a moment and felt a little uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"I'm not hungry right now." He softly sighed but nodded and walked to the car. He picked Melia up and put her in her car seat before moving over to the passengers seat. I got the other two kids in before sitting down behind the wheel.

"Seat belts on?" I looked in the mirror and watched as all my kids grabbed their seat belts that were strapped over them. I looked to Connor and smiled.

"Seat belt on?" He rolled his eyes and smiled but grabbed his too. I smiled and switched on the radio as I drove them to school.

I pulled up in front of Audrea's school and reached back to give her a high five.

"Good luck today kiddo." She smiled at me.

"Bye daddy love you" I unlocked the door as Tate unbuckled her and she hopped out. I watched her run down the six foot path to the door where one of the teachers was standing holding open the door. I waved to her and drove off to Tate's school.

He pulled his transformer backpack onto him as he opened up the door.

"Bye Tate have a good day!" He smiled at me.

"Bye dad!" He hopped out, slammed the door and ran towards the school.

"I love you." I sighed and sat for a moment before driving off again. I glanced over to Connor and noticed he looked really nervous.

"What's up Con?" He jumped and looked over at me. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" He nodded and turned to look out the window.

"You are not going to tell me are you?" He shrugged.

"I'll tell you after school." Fair enough although I'm going to worry that it's something bad now. I sighed, glancing over at him finding that he wasn't even looking at me.

I pulled up in front of the high school and watched him collect his things. When he was done he looked up at me.

"Bye dad have a good day. Don't work too hard." He unlocked his door and went to step out. I opened my mouth to tell him I loved him but he said it first. I wasted no time in saying it back.

When I pulled away from the school I looked in the mirror at Melia.

"What do you want to do today?" She smiled and kicked her legs.

"McDonalds!" I chuckled.

"Babe we just ate breakfast. How about we do something else for now then for lunch we can go there." She gave me a huge toothy grin and giggled.

"Store!" She always liked to go to the grocery store to look at all the different kinds of food. Her favorite day to go are when they have free samples.

"Alright we can do that!" I drove around the block and started to head back into town. I pulled into the parking lot and parked pretty close to the store. I stopped the car and reached back to unbuckle Melia. She giggled and grabbed onto my hands.

"What's that daddy?" She pointed at the ring on my finger. I sighed.

"It's a wedding ring."

"What's a wet ring?" She turned her head slightly to the side while looking at me.

"A wedding ring is what you get when you fall in love with someone. You get one of these things " I pointed to my ring. "And then you get some kids." I tickled her stomach causing her to squirm and laugh. "Then you call yourselves a family." She smiled at me with bright eyes.

"I can't wait to get a wet ring!" I shook my head at her.

"Don't rush it baby." I finally got out of the car and walked over to get her out. We walked into the store and started to look around.

In the end we spent so much time messing around that we were in there for almost two hours. When we got back to the car I left her sitting in the seat in the cart as I moved the bags to the trunk.

"Daddy, are we getting lunch now?" I shook my head.

"No first we have to go home and put all these things we bought away."

"And then lunch?" I shrugged.

"Probably." She squealed and clapped her hands.

Once I finished putting everything away and sat down at the table. Melia ran up to me and climbed up onto my lap.

"Lunch, daddy, lunch!" I pulled her into a hug.

"How about a nap first?"

"No! Daddy I'm going to starve if I wait anymore!" I laughed at how much she resembled me even if she was adopted.

"Alright what do you want?"

"McDonalds!" I rubbed my forehead before turned back to smile at her.

"Alright go get your shoes." She climbed off of me and ran to her room. I sat with my eyes closed since my shoes were still on. It was only 12:30 and I was absolutely tired. I heard little footsteps coming my way as she stopped in front of me. I looked down at her as she frowned.

"My feet grew!" I rose an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean they grew?" She held up her shoe in front of me.

"It won't fit anymore."

"Where is your other shoe?" She pointed down at her feet. I bent over to see what she did wrong.

"Oh sweetie you put them on the wrong feet." Even though she was super smart she still had troubles with her shoes now and then. We switched them around really quick and then stood up.

"McDonalds?" She nodded vigorously.

"Alright let's go!"

Word Count: 1353

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