Chapter 14

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Niall's POV:

I ran into my sons' room and straight to him. He was covered in blood and his room looked like it was the scene of a murder movie.

"Connor!" I shook him but he didn't respond. I looked around and pulled his pillows off of his bed. I pulled the pillow out and used the pillowcase to wrap his arms up. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before standing and looking for his phone. It was on his desk next to an open book and a couple photos. I picked up his phone and called an ambulance.

Since we didn't live far from town they usually show up less than five minutes. I ran back downstairs and saw my three kids looking at me as Harry and Zayn ran in the door.

"What's going on?!" Harry yelled.

"My son attempted suicide and I didn't want these three to see him!" Zayn looked broken as did Harry. Just then I noticed Troye walking in behind then. As soon as he had heard what I said his face paled as if he suddenly turned into a ghost.

"What do you mean he attempted suicide?!" Harry asked quickly. I grabbed at his hair.

"He is upstairs in a pool of his own blood he fucking cut and he got it from me!" I pointed at myself and started to scream in pain letting out all my hidden emotions.

"Daddy, what's going on?" I shook my head.

"Zayn please take them I- I can't-" he nodded and took them out. Harry patted my shoulder quickly before running upstairs. I regained my self enough to follow him. I wasn't sure what Troye was doing or if he had even moved from where he stood.

When I reached Connor's room I looked around to see he broke most of his stuff. Harry was attempting to carry him out so that the nurses wouldn't have as hard of a time getting to him. I didn't try to help as I walked to the radio. I turned the volume down and stood with my hand on it.

I failed as a dad.

I felt numb. I turned and wiped my eyes as I began picking up all the broken things. I sat them in a pile outside his room and continued cleaning. I didn't dare look at the stuff laid out on his desk yet as I picked books and photo albums up and put them back on the shelf above his desk. I sniffled as I continued piling things up outside. I heard sirens pull into our driveway and ran down to see Harry already carrying him out. I followed and watched as they put him on a stretcher and carried him away.

"Only one can come with us. Who's his father?" I rose my hand and stepped up in with them. I looked over at Harry and watched as they closed the doors.

It hurt so much watching them put an I.V. in and cleaning his blood off of him. I sat quietly and watched as they operated until we arrived at the hospital. They hurried him out of the vehicle and inside as I sat frozen, watching the world around me moving.

"Sir." I looked up and saw a guy looking down at me.

"I'm so sorry about the boy but can you exit the vehicle please?" I nodded and stood up.

"Thank you for everything." I said to him. He gave me a sad look and said nothing.

I wiped under my eyes again and stepped out. The walk inside was painful. I didn't know if he would make it or not. He has to though I want to help him and show him that there is so much to live for. I walked over into the waiting room and sat in one of the chairs.

What would make him want to hurt himself so bad that he is willing to take his own life? I rubbed my eyes again and looked down at my feet. I realized that I had forgotten to put shoes on and was sitting in socks. I sniffed and hid my feet underneath the chair. Is it my fault he did this? Maybe I didn't spend enough time with him.

I sat and thought for half an hour before Harry and Zayn walked in. They came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Kennedy and Perrie are looking after the kids right now. We called Liam and he's on his way over too." I nodded and looked down at my cold feet.

"Don't worry, Niall." I looked up at Harry and saw that he was holding my shoes.

"Thank you." I took them from him and slipped them on my feet. It felt better to have my feet covered since I was in a public place.

"Did either of you call Louis?" They both nodded.

"And?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"No answer." I broke down in tears again as Zayn said that.

"Why is he never here anymore? He promised he'd always be with me and the kids and now he isn't."

Zayn rubbed my shoulder. "Maybe you should start to think about that divorce." I looked down at my hands and flipped my arms to see my scars.

"He helped me though." Harry covered my scars with his hands.

"Exactly. You used past tense in helped. He was once good for you but isn't anymore." I started to shake as I attempted to hold in my sobs.

"I love him." Both of them pulled me into a hug.

"We know." We all stood there for a while until the door opened. We all turned to see a doctor walk out.

"Connor Tomlinson-Horan?" I tensed at the use of Tomlinson. We all walked up to him.

"Actually it's just Connor Horan now." I whispered and he nodded.

"Yes well as you know he lost a lot of blood. Just enough to pass out nothing serious although if he lost anymore he might've ended up in a coma or dead." I winced and looked away shaking my head.

"But he's alright now. We gave him a little extra just so his heart wouldn't have to work as hard. But what I am worried about is, what is a fifteen year old boy doing drinking and smoking?" I looked at him.


"He drank a lot of alcohol which will have a small effect on his brain, once again not too serious unless he drinks again. Also there seems to be many different kinds of drugs in his body." He looked at all three of us. I had no idea he had drugs.

"One more thing." We all nodded.

"Are you aware of his eating disorder?"

Word Count: 1155

Not going to lie this is my least favorite chapter of this entire book.

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