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Third Person:

Nothing has ever felt better for Niall and Louis than to reach over across the seat and hold each others hand again. They could both say they made it but only with each other by their side did they make this dream a reality.

It has been eleven years since they had adopted Flynn. Connor was twenty five and happily married to Troye, who now had a little four year old named Lea running around. Tate, at twenty two, had found someone he was interested in but still hasn't asked out since he was too much a worry wart.

As for the girls, Audrea at sixteen had met a girl named Sage and have been dating for almost two years now. Niall and Louis wouldn't place bets on their kids love life's but if they did they would say that those two would last a life time. Melia at fourteen still found it a little strange to not only have a younger brother but have her two oldest ones no longer live in the same house as her. She hasn't really wrapped her mind around a lot of things normal girls her age had. (Such as sex and relationships etc.) She found it much more interesting to listen to music and talk to her dads about the newest bands or what her favorite YouTubers were up to. Her favorite one had to be Tate though. Yes, he did go through will being a gamer and has been compared to PewDiePie quite a lot of times but he doesn't mind it. To him, it is an accomplishment to be compared to his idol.

For Louis and Niall, their love was still there for it had never truly left. Maybe it was put on pause to see what the two would end up doing and after about two years someone had found out that it had stopped and decided to click it back on and watch the rest of their lives play out. Like right now, as the five best friends were sat in a plane thousands of miles above the ground.

Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall all smiled as they looked around at each other. Since the kids had gotten older all five of them decided to finally work on their buckets lists but with a slight twist, they had to do all of it together.

And of course, Liam and Niall had both wrote down that they wanted to go skydiving. Zayn had disagreed and said multiple times that he wasn't going to go with them but somehow still found himself strapped into all the different equipment with his four friends sat around him.

"Harry, how is Darcy?" He shrugged and smiled.

"Found herself a little boyfriend. I'm going to try to land on top of his house to scare him off." The boys all let out a laugh.

"No, I'm being dead serious. The boy better keep his scaly little fingers off my daughter."

"Harry mate, my daughter married a boy we all at one point hated." Zayn gazed over to Louis and Niall who both nodded.

"True though I wanted him to fight me." Niall muttered jokingly.

"Well my son married someone else's son that is absolutely tiny." Zayn scrunched his face Harry's comment to try and hold in his laughter.

"Hey its not my fault Connor is so freaking short." Niall laughed loudly as his friends joined in.

Zayn went to say something but stopped himself and reformed the sentence before letting it out into the air.

"Oh Liam the other day I was going through folding laundry and I found Dani and Perrie are the same size apparently. I found a bra in the laundry the one night and it had Dani's initials in it. So either our wives did the naughty or they share clothes." The small group of friends once again laughed.

"Doesn't surprise me knowing those two." Liam chuckled and looked down to his feet as he shook his head.

"How are your kids Liam?" Niall finally asked.

"Clara just turned twenty eight. God I feel old. She has some beautiful kids though. Andy called me up on the phone the other day and told me that he wanted to go back to Uni." All the boys mouths dropped.

Since We Were 18 ⭐Nouis⭐Where stories live. Discover now