Chapter 40

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Niall's POV:

The feeling of holding yet another baby in my arms was extraordinary. After Melia got older I truly thought I would never have another baby but yet here I am bouncing Flynn around as I tried to get him to fall asleep. Louis took Connor and Tate to the store to help him pick things out for dinner tonight since everyone else was coming over to meet our new addition. Audrea and Melia had a long day so they were currently in their rooms napping.

There wasn't much for me to do while waiting for Flynn to fall asleep or the girls to wake up. Also waiting for the boys but they had left like fifteen minutes ago so I'm not expecting them for a while.

Something else good that was happening is that Maya will also be here later with her boyfriend. I haven't met him yet so it is going to be a good time. Its strange to think about how much our one little family has grown into a big one. But either way there is love surrounding all of us.

I began to pull plates out from the cupboards and set them on the counter. I wasn't going to make the table yet because there is still a long time before they are supposed to be coming but I just need to stay busy. Next I pulled out some forks and laid them on top of the plates.

I left the kitchen and walked into the living room and began to pick some blankets up and put them in the abdomen that was in front of the couch. Flynn started to stir again and began to cry so I held him up to me.

"Hey shh, shh its alright I got you." He continued struggling and began to stretch his arms and legs. His legs couldn't really go anywhere since I had him wrapped in a blanket but it didn't stop him. When he was done stretching he opened up his hazel eyes and looked right at me. I gave him a smile which caused him to give me one back.

"You are a little cutie you know that?" I reached my thumb up and rubbed his chin which caused him to open his mouth.

"Even though you are about a month old you need to grow some teeth." I scrunched my nose up and held him away from me.

"You also need to use the toilet properly." I carried him to mine and Louis' room and laid him on the changing station. I bent down to pull out a new diaper and some wipes. When I stood back up he was looking at the little bar that forbid him to fall off. When he saw me standing back up where he could see he squealed and looked to the other side.

"You are one happy little bugger." I began to remove his bottoms and and changed him as quickly as possible. When I was done and had him dressed again Audrea walked into the room while rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Can I have a hug?" She held her arms out to me and I nodded.

"Yea of course come here." I bent down and held mine out. She ran to me as fast as possible and put her head over my heart.

"Love you daddy."

"I love you too, sweetie." She giggled.

"Can we play a game?" I nodded while standing up so that I could put Flynn in his crib.

"What do you want to play?" I held Flynn to me with one arm and reached for hers with the other one. I began to walk out to the living room while she told me that she wanted us to play hide and seek.

"Yea we can do that." I put Flynn into the crib into the living room. He had two, one in here and one in the bedroom. Because I needed to keep my eyes on him I decided to put him in this one.

"Go hide and I will count to twenty." She ran off and I turned to the baby. I picked up his stuffed dragon and handed it to him while covering him with a blanket. I rubbed his stomach until his eyes were closed and his breathing slowed down. I then walked off and began to search for my daughter.

"Audrea where are you?" I had looked in my room, her room, the bathroom both of the boys' room and even the extra bathroom. I opened the door to Melia's room and walked in. I look at her bed and noticed that there were two figures in it.

"Found you Audrea." She opened her eyes and looked up at me while giggling. Melia sat up into bed and smiled at me.

"Can I play too?" She asked to which I nodded.

"Of course you two go hide I will wait here." They both took off running leaving me in her room. While I counted I began to pick up some stray toys and remake her bed. Usually I would make her do it but since I'm here I can excuse it.

I walked out of the bedroom and looked around the house. I had checked a few places but stopped when I heard the doorbell going off. I scrunched my eye brows up and walked to the door. When I opened it I found Harry, Kennedy, Troye and Darcy.

"Hey guys, you are early!" They nodded.

"Yea sorry we were kinda bored and wanted to meet this little boy of yours." Kennedy dropped her daughters hand and rubbed hers together.

"So... Where is he?" I shook my head at her.

"Sorry he is off limits right now." Her face dropped.

"What why?"

"Because I finally got him to sleep. But if you want to take a chance and wake him go for it just make sure you get him back to sleep." She smiled as I let the three of them in the house.

"Where is Louis?" Harry asked.

"Oh him and the other boys went to the store to get food for dinner tonight. I'm here with Flynn and the girls who are hiding right now."

"Why are they hiding?" Darcy asked quietly. I bent down to her height and bopped her nose.

"Because we are playing hide and seek. Do you want to play?" She nodded and Harry gasped.

"I want to play too!" He rose his hand. We both looked to Troye who shrugged.

"I guess I can until Connor gets back."

"Alright let's find the girls them. Oh and Kennedy he is in the living room in the crib." She removed Darcy's coat and grabbed Harry's before walking to the closet to hang them up. Me and the three new players all walked around looking for Melia and Audrea.

Four hours later we were all sat around the dinner table. There was me and Louis with our kids, Harry and Kennedy with Troye and Darcy. Zayn and Perrie with Stacy and Andrew. Then Liam and a pregnant Dani with Andy, Clara and Karalyn. The last people to show up was Maya and Austin but we quickly greeted them and made them feel at home.

This is living and breathing. This, is love.

That is what family is all about. Always share and never leave anyone out. Whether you've just met that person or have known them for years. Sometimes one adventure that seems stupid will end up being your favorite one.

Word Count: 1270

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