Chapter 26

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Niall's POV:

Later that night I leaned down and kissed Audrea's forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie." Her and Melia had both fallen asleep a while ago. But I had to carry them into their rooms and change their outfits.

"Merry Christmas girls." I took a few steps back and watched them as I turned the light off and closed the door. I nervously ran my hands through my hair and walked back to my room. I had already showered and picked out an outfit for tonight so I quickly changed and texted Maya.

'On my way.'

I pulled into Maya's driveway as nerves started to take over. I hadn't been on a date in such a long time.
What if it didn't work out? I know what Louis did was bad but I still love him with every piece of me. I'm still madly in love with him, I always will be. I sighed and stepped out of the car and walked to the door. I stood biting my lip for a while before finally ringing the doorbell. It was a cute little house.

Maya opened the door and smiled at me. She had on a mid thigh length white dress with one sleeve on the side. It had small gems around the shoulder and waist, that matched the gems on her shoes which were flats. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun with a silver sparkly headband on.

"You look beautiful." I said causing her to blush.

"You look handsome." I blushed as well.

"Oh you could come in for a little or we could go now?"

"Yea not to be rude but we should go. I made reservations earlier right after you left so..." She nodded and walked over to a door. She opened it and reached in, pulling out a coat. Maya wrapped it around her shoulders and closed it up before walking back over to me. She had a small handbag with her that matched the dress.

We linked our arms together as I walked her to the car. I opened up the door for her and watched as she hopped in.

"Thank you." I smiled and gave a small nod.

"You're welcome." I lightly shut the door and carefully walked around the car to my side. I opened up my door and sat down, closing it behind me.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yea. Where are you taking me?" I smirked.

"To dinner."

"You're not going to tell me are you?" I shook my head.

"Nope!" I pulled out of her driveway and began to head for the destination.

"Oh my gosh! Niall I love this place!" She called out as I parked in front of a fancy restaurant.

"I don't get to go here often but I still love it." We both turned to each other and smiled.

"I'm glad you're excited about this." She smiled so much I thought her face would break.

"Alright calm down so we can go in." She took a deep breath and nodded.

"You good?" She nodded and started to smile again.

"Alright stay right there." I turned the car off and stepped out. I shut the door behind me before walking around to her side. I opened her door for her and watched as she stepped out. Her foot slid a bit but I wrapped my arm around her waist to steady her out.

"Oh thank you." She muttered as her face turned red again.

"Anytime." I helped her step out a little before I slammed the door shut. We then laced our arms together again and walked over to the front door extra carefully. I opened it for her causing her eyes to widen.

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