Chapter 3

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I think I was supposed to update yesterday but didn't so.... Expect another update later tonight!

Niall's POV:

I walked around the kitchen banging pans. Since we had such a lazy quick dinner last night I decided to make tacos tonight. As usual Connor volunteered to help out but I told him he didn't have to. So he just settled with setting the table and taking over the finished foods.

"Connie!" Melia and Audrea ran into the room and looked up at their big brother.

"Yea?" The girls looked between each other and giggled before pulling their Barbie's out from behind them.

"Can you play with us?"

"I'm helping daddy make dinner right now." Both of them pouted.

"Con it's alright. I just have to wait until the meat is done." He nodded and turned back to them.

"I guess I can play for a little bit." I smiled so much at that. What other teenage boy would play dolls with his sisters? I put my hand over my mouth and smiled into it before forcing it to go away. I put my hand back down to hold the pan as I continued to stir.

"Can I have that one?" He said.

"This one?" Melia asked. I didn't hear him say anything so he probably nodded.

"No she's my favorite! Take this one." I heard a small tap noise from her doll hitting the table.

"Is this barbie? Cause if so where is her Ken?" I heard Audrea laugh.

"That's not barbie. That's Cinderella." There was a short pause before I heard "oh well then where is her prince charming?"

"You're her prince charming silly!" I could picture Melia reaching over and poking him.

"Me? Alright but then who is her prince charming?"

"You are!" Audrea giggled

"What me? I thought I was Cinderella's!" I laughed at their conversation. I click the burner over onto off and picked up the pan.

"What's that?" I heard the girls ask.

"Shh. I want daddy to find it." I scrunched my eyebrows together. Find what?

I sat the pan down on the pot holder on the table and saw a packet on my plate. I refrained from grabbing it and made my kids plates instead.

"Tate! dinner!" I heard his door open as he ran down. I turned to smile at him until I noticed he was covered in paint.

"Tate! What did you do?" He looked down at his feet.

"I was painting a picture."

"You know the rules! If you want to use paint you have to sit at the table." He didn't move his gaze away from his feet.

"Follow me we'll get you cleaned up." I took him to the downstairs bathroom since I didn't want to see his room yet. It took a while to get enough off to the point he would look presentable. Even though I got loads of it off there was still a bunch left. I ended up sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers.

"After dinner I want you to go straight to the bathroom to take a shower and get the rest off of you. Tate, you are eleven years old you should've known better than to paint in your room." He nodded.

"Come on let's go eat." He quietly followed behind me as we walked to the kitchen. We finally sat down and all the kids began to eat. I forgot about the paper and picked it up to look at it. Written in big letters on the top of it was Divorce.

"Connor where did this come from?"

"I knew I wouldn't have my last class today because my teacher had to leave early so, I went to the courthouse to get you that." I wiped under my eyes to get rid of the tears.

"What's the paper daddy?" I shook my head at Audrea.


"Dad you can't let him keep doing this to you. You can't let Louis hurt you anymore" I tried to glare at him for calling him Louis instead of dad but knew he was right since he was never a father figure to the four of them.

"Connor I can't do that I love h-"

"But does he love you?" I looked at my wedding ring and began to play with it.

"I think so." He shook his head as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Dad. I saw him out with a girl last week." I snapped my head up at him and began to shake it. He was lying to me in hopes that I would go through with this.

"You're wrong." He shook his head and covered his eyes.

"No he was with her. I don't know her name but-" I stood up from the table and walked to my room.

He's lying.

Why would he lie?

What if it is true?

I slammed the door and went over to my phone. I picked it up and dialed Harry's number. Within the first few rings he answered.

"Hey Niall! What's up?" I shook my head as tears spilled from my eyes.

"Can you watch my kids tonight please. I- I. Connor told me that L-Louis was out with a girl and I- I" I finally broke and sunk down the wall and let it out.

"Yea I can come get them. I'll be over in a minute." He hung up on me so that I was alone again. I leaned my head over into the wall and let out my emotions. I heard a knock on my door but ignored it and covered my face with my hands. The door began to creek open as someone walked over to me.

"Don't cry dad." Connor had his arms around me and held me close to him. "It'll be okay." I shook my head.

"I love him" I felt his arms tighten around me.

"I know." I suddenly heard the door downstairs open. There was small chatter before someone ran through the house. I heard them stop and mutter "what the hell." Before hurrying along. I knew it was Harry finding Tate's bedroom that I still needed to clean. Harry walked into the room and straight over to me. He nodded to Connor who got up and left. I turned to Harry and buried my face into his shoulder and closed my eyes before I started crying again.

"He doesn't love me anymore." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"You don't need him anyway. He doesn't deserve you." I wiped away the tears that continued to fall.

"What am I supposed to do?" He took a moment to think as he held me.

"Where did the divorce papers come from?" I tensed up and pulled my legs up to me.

"Connor brought them home today. I don't think I'm ready to go through with it though." He nodded and held me as I started to cry again.

"I brought Kennedy, Darcy and Troye with me. Do you want us to take the kids back to our house or you go out somewhere by yourself?" I thought a moment. They were already here so there wasn't any point in forcing them to go back.

"You can stay here. I want to go for a walk."

Word Count: 1225

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