Chapter 30

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"I thought you were supposed to be unstoppable or something. Why did you let us catch you so easily?" Steve asked after throwing some water over Pierce and waking him up. "I let you catch US because I don't like being controlled. But you need to hurry before they take control again. They are strong, stronger than you are, but Ethel, she is powerful, more powerful than anything that has ever existed on this world." Pierce said after getting up from the ground. "What do you mea-" Then Ethel burst into the room, her eyes glowing. "See! that shows her power, we can feel her power. Hurry. Here. They. Come..." And with that he roared and they could clearly see that he was no longer himself. "He is possessed by former super hybrids. We have to get them out of him." Ethel said after Pierce had stopped with his deafening roar. Both of them knew that would be a difficult task, one only Ethel could do. Steve had heard of a way ancient supernaturals use to remove demons and other evil from someone that is being possessed, and it could only be done by a female of the species while the possessed is held down by a male, or else it would fail. Steve sent Ethel the details through their mind link so that it would be faster. After just two or three seconds she nodded her head and Steve went in, shifted and pinned Pierce to the ground while Ethel walked closer and extended her claws until they were about half a meter long, and stabbed them straight into Pierce's stomach. Pierce howled out in pain as she moved her claws around in him, searching for what contained the former super hybrids. At first she couldn't feel anything, but then she felt it, it was rather big and hard, so she knew it had to be that. Slowly she began to pull it out of him, ignoring his painful screams and concentrating on getting it all out in one piece to keep the entity trapped. Then she finally managed to pull it out and Pierce stopped screaming, but was now sweaty and panting heavily, they had to close the wound as soon as possible or he would die. Ethel carefully put the container she pulled from Pierce on the mattress that lay against the wall on the opposite end of the room and rushed downstairs to find Anna, who then rushed upstairs with her and closed Pierce's wounds and gave him something to drink to help him sleep. "We must let him rest, he is exhausted. That thing has been in him for a long time and it has used up most of his strength. He should be fine tomorrow. Ethel, my dear, could you put that in here?" Anna said pointing to a secret door in the wall that she had just revealed. Ethel just nodded and put it in the hidden space. They then left Pierce to get some rest. Anna went downstairs and started cleaning the mess by the front door, while Steve and Ethel went to their room. Since the two had fallen for each other they had been sharing a room, though they each still had separate rooms, their rooms were next to each other and they had moved most of their stuff to Steve's room and slept in Ethel's room at night. It was already late and they were both tired and as Ethel lay there curled up, with her head on Steve's chest, they fell asleep.

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