Chapter 37

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Ethel had watched and sometimes joined in as Cora played. She didn't even notice that they had gone further into the forest. By the time she noticed it was starting to get dark so she picked Cora up onto her shoulder and they walked back to the house. When she and Cora got there she heard laughter and saw Iris and Blaze also walking back to the house. "So what have you two been up to?" Ethel asked the two as the neared the house. "We had a race and I won!" Iris said laughing. "Hey if that deer didn't run in front of me I would have won okay." Blaze said as he also laughed a bit. Ethel just smiled as she looked at the two who were clearly in love. "Well come on diner should be ready soon." Ethel said before heading inside. Iris was about to go in but noticed that Blaze wasn't following. "Why aren't you coming in?" She asked him. "I should get back to my pack, they don't like it when one of us stays away from the pack too long. But hey I'll come see you tomorrow." He said with a smile as he then shifted and ran into the woods.

"Where's Blaze?" Ethel asked when she saw Iris walking into the dining room alone. "He had to go back to his pack, but he said he'll come over again tomorrow." Iris said with a smile as she sat down next to her friend Lilia. "When we are finished eating we are gonna talk about this Blaze guy that you've been hanging out with." Lilia said to Iris when everyone began eating. All that Iris did was smile before cutting up some steak and eating.

After everyone had finished eating Iris and Lilia went outside to the back of the house. "So who is Blaze hmmm?" Lilia asked when they sat down on the grass. "Well, he's a werewolf and I think we're mates." Iris said and turned to see Lilia with a big smile on her face. "Oh my gosh! You have your soulmate! But wait? He's a werewolf? Like pure wolf? Not a hybrid like you and your parents?" Lilia said with a slightly confused look on her face. "Yeah, though I'm not so sure, from what I can sense he is very powerful and he might just be a hybrid and not know it." Iris said as she thought back to when they were in the woods. "How would he not know though?" Lilia asked confused and interested. "Well my dad never knew he was a hybrid. He always thought that he was just a normal werewolf. Though if he is one then I would really like to help him access that other side of him." Iris said now thinking about the possibility of him being a hybrid like her. "Yeah, then the two of you will have a lot more in common haha." Lilia laughed before getting up. "Where are you going?" Iris asked, now also getting up. "For a run, come on lets go to that river on the south side of the woods." Lilia said before Iris nodded and they both shifted into their wolf forms and began running together.

When they were nearing the river Iris quickly stopped, causing Lilia to also stop. Iris was looking straight ahead, so Lilia looked to see what she was looking at. There by the river were hunters, a lot of them, they were all setup with tents, guns, crossbows and a lot more weapons. They were about to leave when a man came out of the tent that was setup in the middle. "How long till we are ready?" The man who came out of the tent said to one of the big men sitting and preparing weapons. "We can leave in a few minutes, those creatures won't know what hit them." The big man said as he put down the weapon. "Good, but leave Steve to me, I want to kill him myself." The other man said. As soon as Iris and Lilia heard those words the started to slowly back away and once they were out of earshot from them they began running as fast as they can to the house. They needed to warn everyone. Especially Iris' dad Steve, he and everyone in that house were in danger.

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